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- 发布时间:2017-11-17
主要研究方向为生物大分子在食品体系中的互作以及生物大分子材料在食品安全领域中的应用。目前已主持国家及省部级项目3项,获得江苏省政府留学奖学金资助1项,参与国家科技部重点研发计划“食品安全关键技术研发”重点专项1项,并参与了多项企业、政府的横向课题。在多个国际知名高水平期刊发表20余篇SCI论文,授权发明专利2项,参编著作1项。担任《食品科学》、《Food Hydrocolloids》和《Food Bioscience》等多个期刊杂志审稿人。在生物大分子结构及可食性膜材料领域有较为深厚的研究基础和应用经验。
(1)Chen Li; Lina Sheng; Gang Sun;Luxin Wang*; The application of ultraviolet-induced photo-crosslinking in edible film preparation and its implication in food safety,LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 131, 109791.
(2)Chen Li; Jiliu Pei; Shengyu Zhu; Yukang Song; Xiaohui Xiong*; Feng Xue; Development of chitosan/peptide films: physical, antibacterial and antioxidant properties,Coatings, 2020, 10, 1193.
(3)Chen Li; Jiliu Pei; Xiaohui Xiong*; Feng Xue; Encapsulation of grapefruit essential oil in emulsion-based edible film prepared by plum (Pruni domesticae semen) seed protein isolate and gum acacia conjugates,Coatings, 2020, 10, 784.
(4)Chen Li; Luxin Wang; Feng Xue*. Effects of conjugation between proteins and polysaccharides on the physical properties of emulsion-based edible films,Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society, 2019, 96, 1249-1263.
(5)Feng Xue; Zhoushan Wu; Jinrong Tong; Jialun Zheng;Chen Li*; Effect of combination of high-intensity ultrasound treatment and dextran glycosylation on structural and interfacial properties of buckwheat protein isolates, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2017, 10, 1891–1898.
(6)Chen Li; Jie Wang; Jing Shi; Xingjian Huang; Qiang Peng; Feng Xue*; Encapsulation of tomato oleoresin using soy protein isolate-gum aracia conjugates as emulsifier and coating materials,Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 45, 301-308.
(7)Chen Li; Weizhe Zhu; Haoran Xue; Zhiyan Chen; Yajing Chen; Xingguo Wang*; Physical and structural properties of peanut protein isolate-gum Arabic films prepared by various glycation time,Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 43, 322-328.
(8)Chen Li; Xingjian Huang; Qiang Peng; Yuanyuan Shan; Feng Xue*; Physicochemical properties of peanut protein isolate-glucomannan conjugates prepared by ultrasonic treatment, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2014, 21, 1722-1727.
(9)吴周山;陆利霞;熊晓辉;薛峰;李晨*;糖基化反应改善植物蛋白乳浊液稳定性的研究进展,食品工业科技, 2017, 14, 336-341.
(10)吴周山;李晨*;薛瑞;梁忠;薛峰;陆利霞;熊晓辉;不同分子量的葡聚糖-花生分离蛋白接枝复合物的制备及其性质,食品工业科技, 2019, 1, 51-57.