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陆小华︱Xiaohua Lu, Ph.D.





邮箱: xhlu@njtech.edu.cn



瑞典吕勒奥工业大学Adjunct Professor,美国北卡罗来纳州立大学Adjunct Professor,国家自然科学奖评委。连续515年(11th~15th2005-2019)代表中国或亚洲担任国际化工热力学顶尖会议—"产品和过程设计中的物性和相平衡国际会议"(PPEPPD)国际组委会常委或主席,《Fluid Phase Equilibria》编委,《化工学报》副主编,《中国科学.化学》编委,江苏省第9~12届人大常委会委员。





1.Lu Xiaohua, Maurer Gerd, Model for describing activity-coefficients in mixed electrolyte aqueous-solutions,AIChE Journal, 39(9)(1993): 1527-1538.

2.Lu Xiaohua, Zhang Luzheng, Wang Yanru, Shi Jun, Maurer Gerd, Prediction of activity coefficients of electrolytes in aqueous solutions at high temperatures,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 35(5)(1996): 1777-1784.

3. Ji Xiaoyan,Lu Xiaohua, Zhang Luzheng, Bao Ningzhong, Wang Yanru, Shi Jun, Benjamin Cylu, A further study of solid-liquid equilibrium for the NaCl-NH4Cl-H2O system,Chemical Engineering Science, 55(21)(2000): 4993-5001.

4. Ji Xiaoyan, Chen Dongliang, Wei Tao,Lu Xiaohua, Wang Yanru, Shi Jun, Determination of dissolution kinetics of K2SO4 crystal with ion selective electrode,Chemical Engineering Science, 56(24)(2001): 7017-7024.

5. Zhu Yu,Lu Xiaohua, Zhou Jian, Wang Yanru, Shi Jun, Prediction of diffusion coefficients for gas, liquid and supercritical fluid: Application to pure real fluids and infinite dilute binary solutions based on the simulation of Lennard-Jones fluid,Fluid Phase Equilibria, 194-197(2002): 1141-1159.

6. Zhou Jian,Lu Xiaohua, Wang Yanru, Shi Jun, Molecular dynamics study on ionic hydration,Fluid Phase Equilibria, 194-197(2002): 257-270.

7. Ji Xiaoyan, Feng Xin,Lu Xiaohua, Zhang Luzheng, Wang Yanru, Shi Jun, Liu Yunda, A generalized method for the solid-liquid equilibrium stage and its application in process simulation,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 41(8)(2002): 2040-2046.

8. Cheng Fangqin, Bai Yang, Liu Chang,Lu Xiaohua, Dong Chuan, Thermodynamic analysis of temperature dependence of the crystal growth rate of potassium sulfate,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45(18)(2006): 6266-6271.

9. Ji Yuanhui, Yang Zhuhong, Ji Xiaoyan, Feng Xin, Huang Wenjuan, Liu Chang, Li Wei,Lu Xiaohua, Thermodynamic analysis on the mineralization of trace organic contaminants with oxidants in advanced oxidation processes,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48(23)(2009): 10728-10733.

10. Shao Qing, Zhou Jian, Lu Linghong,Lu Xiaohua, Zhu Yudan, Jiang Shaoyi, Anomalous hydration shell order of Na+ and K+ inside carbon nanotubes,Nano Letters, 9(3)(2009): 989-994.

11. Li Dong, Xiong Kui, Li Wei, Yang Zhuhong, Liu Chang, Feng Xin,Lu Xiaohua, Comparative study in liquid-phase heterogeneous photocatalysis: Model for photoreactor scale-up,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49(18)(2010): 8397-8405.

12. Huang Wenjuan, Ji Yuanhui, Yang Zhuhong, Feng Xin, Liu Chang, Zhu Yudan,Lu Xiaohua, Mineralization of trace nitro/chloro/methyl/amino-aromatic contaminants in wastewaters by advanced oxidation processes,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49(13)(2010): 6243-6249.


14. Li Licheng, Zhu Yudan,Lu Xiaohua, Wei Mingjie, Zhuang Wei, Yang Zhuhong, Feng Xin, Carbon heterogeneous surface modification on a mesoporous TiO2-supported catalyst and its enhanced hydrodesulfurization performance,Chemical Communications, 48(94)(2012): 11525-11527.

15. He Hanbing, Yao Wenjun, Wang Changsong, Feng Xin,Lu Xiaohua, Morphology-controlled synthesis of sodium hexa-titanate nanowhiskers by changing evaporation rate of NaCl-KCl molten salts,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(43)(2013): 15034-15040

16. An Rong, Zhuang Wei, Yang Zhuhong,Lu Xiaohua, Zhu Jiahua, Wang Yanfang, Dong Yihui, Wu Nanhua, Protein adsorptive behavior on mesoporous titanium dioxide determined by geometrical topography,Chemical Engineering Science, 117(2014): 146-155.

17. Xie Wenlong, Ji Xiaoyan, Feng Xin,Lu Xiaohua, Mass-transfer rate enhancement for CO2separation by ionic liquids: Theoretical study on the mechanism,AIChE Journal, 61(12)(2015): 4437-4444.

18. Xie Wenlong, Ji Xiaoyan, Feng Xin,Lu Xiaohua, Mass transfer rate enhancement for CO2separation by ionic liquids: Effect of film thickness,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55(1)(2016): 366-372.

19. Zhang Yingying, Ji Xiaoyan, Xie Yujiao,Lu Xiaohua, Screening of conventional ionic liquids for carbon dioxide capture and separation,Applied Energy, 162(2016): 1160-1170.

20. Wu Nanhua, Ji Xiaoyan, An Rong, Liu Chang,Lu Xiaohua, Generalized gibbs free energy of confined nanoparticles,AIChE Journal, 63(10)(2017): 4595-4603.

21. Hagos Kiros, Zong Jianpeng, Li Dongxue, Liu Chang,Lu Xiaohua, Anaerobic co-digestion process for biogas production: Progress, challenges and perspectives,Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76(2017): 1485-1496.

22. Sun Yunhao, Shen Gulou, Held Charistoph, Feng Xin,Lu Xiaohua, Ji Xiaoyan, Modeling viscosity of ionic liquids with electrolyte perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory and free volume theory,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(26)(2018): 8784-8801.

23. Jiang Guancong, Cai Liangcheng, Wang Shibo, Laaksonen Aatto, Feng Xin, Mu Liwen,Lu Xiaohua, Zhu Jiahua, Critical role of carbonized cellulose in the evolution of highly porous biocarbon: seeing the structural and compositional changes of spent mushroom substrate by deconvoluted thermogravimetric analysis,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59(2020): 22541-22548.

24. Ma Chunyan, Laaksonen Aatton, Liu Chang,Lu Xiaohua, Ji Xiaoyan, The peculiar effect of water on ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents,Chemical Society Reviews, 47(23)(2018): 8685-8720.

25. Dong Yihui, Ji Xiaoyan, Laaksonen Aatto, Cao Wei, An Rong, Lu Linghong,Lu Xiaohua, Determination of the small amount of proteins interacting with TiO2nanotubes by AFM-measurement,Biomaterials, 192(2019): 368-376.

26.Wu Nanhua, Ji Xiaoyan, Li Licheng, Zhu Jiahua,Lu Xiaohua, Mesoscience in supported nano-metal catalysts based on molecular thermodynamic modeling: A mini review and perspective,Chemical Engineering Science, 229(2021), 11614: 1-11.

27. Ji Tuo, Yang Zanjie, Song Shuailong, Zhou Tong, Mu Liwen,Lu Xiaohua, Zhu Jiahua, Intense microwave heating at strongly polarized solid acid/water interface for energy-efficient platform chemical production,Chemical Engineering Science, 262(2022),118035: 1-10.

28. Chen Yifeng,Song Shuailong,Li Ning,Wu Jian,Lu Xiaohua, Ji, Xiaoyan, Developing hybrid 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide/titanium dioxide/water absorbent for CO2separation,Applied Energy, 326(2022), 119972: 1-10.

29. Cao Jian, Jiang Guancong, Ye Nannan, Qin Yao, Ji Xiaoyan, Feng Xin, Zhu Jiahua, Zhu Yudan, Xie Wenlong,Lu Xiaohua, Heterogeneous consecutive reaction kinetics of direct oxidation of H2to H2O2: Effect and regulation of confined mass transfer,Chemical Engineering Journal, 455(2023), 140111: 1-10.
