致力于肽类生物材料及其构建的药物递送系统的研究,以通讯或第一作者在Advanced Materials、Nano Letters、ACS Nano、Acta Pharm. Sin. B等期刊发表学术论文14篇。目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年项目、青年项目等,已入选中国科协青年人才托举工程、江苏省六大人才高峰计划,兼任江苏省药学会药剂专委会委员,Chinese Chem. Lett.和《中国医药导刊》杂志青年编委。
(1) Taiyu Liu, Lu Li, Cheng Cheng, Bingfang He, Tianyue Jiang*, Emerging prospects of protein/peptide-based nanoassemblies for drug delivery and vaccine development,Nano Research2022, 15, 7267–7285.
(2) Cheng Cheng, Qingyun Sun, Xiuping Wang, Bingfang He*, Tianyue Jiang*, Enzyme-manipulated hydrogelation of small molecules for biomedical applications,Acta Biomater.2022, 151, 88-105.
(3) Chendan Liu, Yudi Ma, Song Guo, Bingfang He, Tianyue Jiang*, Topical delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs using nano-hybrid hydrogels to inhibit post-surgical tumour recurrence,Biomater Sci.2021, 9(12),4356-4363.
(4) Tianyue Jiang, Yudi Ma, Xiao Xu, Qingchun Ji, Mingxing Feng, Cheng Cheng, Yang Feng, Bingfang He*, Ran Mo*, Enzyme-instructed hybrid nanogel/nanofiber oligopeptide hydrogel for localized protein delivery,Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2021,11( 7): 2070-2079.
(5) Tianyue Jiang, Chendan Liu, Xiao Xu, Bingfang He*, Ran Mo*, Formation Mechanism and Biomedical Applications of Protease-Manipulated Peptide Assemblies,Front Bioeng Biotechnol.2021 Feb 26;9:598050.
(6) Tianyue Jiang, Guo Xu, Guojun Chen, Yu Zheng, Bingfang He*, and Zhen Gu*, Progress in transdermal drug delivery systems for cancer therapy,Nano research,2020,13, 1810–1824.
(7) Tianyue Jiang, Tong Wang, Teng Li, Yudi Ma, Shiyang Shen, Bingfang He*, Ran.Mo*. Enhanced transdermal drug delivery by transfersome-embedded oligopeptide
hydrogel for topical chemotherapy of melanoma,ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 9693-9701.
(8) Cheng Cheng, Tianyue Jiang*, Yulu Wu, Lupeng Cui, Song Qin, Bingfang He*.
Elucidation of lid open and orientation of lipase activated in interfacial activation by amphiphilic environment,Int J Biol Macromol.2018, 119, 1211-1217.
(9) Xin Pan, Qi Yu, Jianlin Chu, Tianyue Jiang*, Bingfang He*. Fitting replacement of signal peptide for highly efficient expression of three penicillin G acylases in E.coli,Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2018, 102, 7455-7464.
(10) Tianyue Jiang, Shiyang Shen, Tong Wang, Mengru Li, Bingfang He*, Ran Mo*.A substrate-selective enzyme-catalysis assembly strategy for oligopeptide
hydrogel-assisted combinatorial protein delivery,Nano Letters.2017, 17, 7447-7454.