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College of Computer Science and Technology

College of Computer Science and Technology originated from the Department of Automation and Compute that was founded in Nanjing Chemical Engineering College in 1994. In 2001,Nanjing Chemical Engineering University merged with Nanjing Architecture and Engineering College, after which Nanjing Tech University took shape. In 2002, the College ofInformation Science and Engineering was established based on relevant majors of the two universities. In 2008, theCollege ofInformation Science and Engineering was renamed College of Electronics and Information Engineering. In 2015, in the adjustment of colleges and departments inNanjing Tech University, the College of Electronics and Information Engineeringwas renamed College of Computer Science and Technology. Now the college has the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Department of Communication Engineering, Department of Basic Teaching and Experiment Teaching Center.

The college possesses a high-level teaching team that embodies a reasonable structure and mainly comprises young and middle-aged teachers. Presently, there are 112 teaching and administrative staff, including 84 full-time teachers, with an average age of 44. Among them, there are 9 with senior professional title, 46 with deputy senior professional titles and 38 with doctoral degrees. Specifically, there are 1 listed in Jiangsu Province “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents”, 3 listed in Jiangsu Province “Six Talents Peaks”, 3 listed in“Young Teachers Training Project in Jiangsu Province”, and 1 listed in Zhejiang Province “Qianjiang Talent Program”.

Currently, the college has 5 undergraduate majors, i.e. Computer Science and Technology, Electronic Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and Technology (Embedded Software Talent Training). Among them, Computer Science and Technology is listed in National First-Class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites, Electronic Information Engineering is listed in Jiangsu Province First-Class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites, Electronic Information Engineering and Communication Engineering are listed in Key Majors in Jiangsu Province, and Artificial Intelligence is a newly-approved major (in 2020). Now, the majors of Computer Science and Technology and Electronic Information Engineering have passed Engineering Education Professional Certification of the Ministry of Education. There are more than 1,500 undergraduates in various majors. In these years, the college adheres tothe fundamental task of “education fostering virtues”, closely centers on the goal of building afirst-class internationally-renowned entrepreneurial university in China, strengthens education and teaching management, actively explores the training model of innovative, entrepreneurial and creative talents, and vigorously cultivates compound high-quality talents with lofty moral values, excellent practical skill, teamwork spirit and career potential. In recent years, students in the college have won many national-level first and second prizes in major competitions like National College Students Electronic Design Competition, ACM Invitational Competition and FPGA Invitational Competition.

Now the college has 1First-Level Discipline with the Qualification for Granting Master Degree (academicdegree, Computer Science and Technology) and 1First-Level Discipline with the Qualification for Granting Professional Master Degree (i.e. Electronic Information), with more than 150 postgraduate students. In the construction of discipline, the college focuses on Network and Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Software Theory and Method, and Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing. The college attaches equal importance to theoretical research and practical application, upholds interdisciplinary research and collaborative innovation among dominant disciplines in NanjingTech Universitylike Chemical Engineering and Safety, improves the unity of industry, university and research, and implements research on basic theory and application in the fields of Network and Cloud Computing, Industrial Informatization, Artificial Intelligence, Signal Sensing and Information Processing and Software and Big Data. It establishes in-depth cooperative relations with General Processor Technologies Inc., Jiangsu Future Networks Innovation Institute and Nanjing Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection Research Institute. In recent years, the college has undertaken more than 20 projects, including National Natural Science Foundation, Jiangsu Province Natural Science Foundation and Jiangsu Province Key R & D and Science & Technology Supporting Projects, with the received research fund of 40 millionyuanand more than 30 authorized patents. Research achievements have been published in high-level journals or conferences on Computer Science and Technology. Some are rewarded =the First Prize of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Scientific and Technological Progress Award, The Second Prize of China Association of Special Equipment Inspection Science and Technology Award, and The Third Prize of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Award.
