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Institute of Advanced Materials: Liu Wenjing

Tutor Information


Liu Wenjing



Date of Birth


Professional Title

Associate Professor


Research Fields

Design and Synthesis of Advanced Functional Materials & Application in Energy Storage and Transformation

Personal Profile

Work experience:

2018~present Nanjing Tech University

2016-2018 Postdoctoral fellow, Nanjing Normal University

Educational Background:

2012-2015 Doctor, Jacobs University Bremen

2008-2011 Master, South China Normal University

Main Research Fields:

Design and synthesis of advanced functional materials and their application in energy storage and conversion, with the foucs on the synthesis of boron cluster and polymetallic oxygen cluster based composites and their application exploration in new energy fields such as electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and battery electrode materials.

Representative Research Projects / Works / Papers

Representative scientific research projects:

General Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China

Youth Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China

General Project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

Representative papers:

1.CongXue, Xinru Zhou, Xiaohan Li, Nan Yang, Xue Xin, Yusheng Wang, Weina Zhang, Jiansheng Wu,Wen-Jing Liu*, Feng-Wei Huo*. Rational Synthesis and Regulation of Hollow Structural Materials for Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Reduction Reaction.Advanced Science2022, 9 (1), e2104183.

2.Islam E. Khalil, Cong Xue,Wen-Jing Liu*,Xiao-Han Li, Yu Shen, Sheng Li, Wei-Na Zhang*, Feng-Wei Huo*.The Role of Defects in Metal-Organic Frameworks for Nitrogen Reduction Reaction: When Defects Switch to Features.Advanced Functional Materials2021, 2010052.

3.Wen-Jing Liu, Jared S. Kinyon, Bassem S. Bassil, Zhengguo Lin, Jasleen K Bindra, Naresh S. Dalal, Ulrich Kortz*. Arsenic(III)-Capped 12-Tungsto-2-Arsenates(III) [M2(AsIIIW6O25)2(AsIIIOH)x]n−(M = CrIII, FeIII, ScIII, InIII, TiIV, MnII) and Their Magnetic Properties.Inorganic Chemistry2021, 60 (11), 8267-8275.
