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College of Foreign Languages and Literature: Xiang Mingjian

Tutor Information


Xiang Mingjian



Date of Birth


Professional Title

Associate Professor


Research Fields

Cognitive Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Contrastive Rhetoric

Personal Profile

Doctor of Literature of Zhejiang University, Associate Research Fellow employed by Nanjing Tech University, Master Tutor, Director of the Chinese Classics Bilingual Association of China pre-Qin History Society, member of International Cognitive Linguistics Association and the International Society for the History of Rhetoric. Mr. Xiang has been selected as Doctor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the "Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan" of Jiangsu Province in 2019 (World famous University Class and University Innovation Class). As an instructor, he teachesGeneral Linguistics,Cognitive Linguisticsfor postgraduates andIntroduction to English Linguisticsfor undergraduates.

Representative Research Projects / Works / Papers

Major scientific research projects:

1. Project of Social Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (2021-2024): "Comparative Study of Philosophical Rhetoric between Zhuangzi and Plato from An Interdisciplinary Perspective". Project Leader. In Progress.

2. Major Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research in Jiangsu Universities (2021-2024): "Interdisciplinary Comparative Study of Rhetoric Debate between Chinese and Greek Philosophers in the 'Axis Era". Project Leader. In Progress.

Representative papers:

1. Xu, J., & Xiang, M.* (2019). Review of Blending technologies in second language classrooms, Palgrave Macmillan, Don Hinkelman. London, England (2018), Pp. Xxxii + 407.System, 81, 216-218. (SSCI)

2. Xiang, M., & Ma, B. (2020). How can I persuade you without making self-assertions? A cognitive rhetorical analysis of the use of fictive questions in an early Daoist text. In Vera da Silva Sinha, Ana Moreno-Núñez, & Zhen Tian (Eds.),Language, Thought and Identity - Signs of Life(pp. 249–273). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

3. Lin Meizhen, Xiang Mingjian, Ma Bosen.(2020).A review of Innovative Investigations of Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Contemporary Linguistics. 22(2). 303-307. (CSSCI)

4. Xiang, M., Pascual, E., & Ma, B. (2021). Who’s speaking for whom? Rhetorical questions as intersubjective mixed viewpoint constructions in an early Daoist text.Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 22(2). (SSCI, A&HCI)
