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College of Civil Engineering: Zhao Aiguo

Tutor Information


Zhao Aiguo



Date of Birth


Professional Title



Research Fields

Metamaterials, Intelligent Variable Structures, Fatigue and Fracture of Materials

Personal Profile

Aiguo Zhao, Doctor, Professor, Master Tutor. Professor Zhao is mainly engaged in the research of acoustic metamaterials, fatigue and fracture of materials. As the first author, Professor Zhao has published 7 SCI / EI papers which have been cited more than 200 times, including 2 papers in SCI Q1 and 2 papers in SCI Q2. Professor Zhao has directed or participated in 14 scientific research projects, including 4 national projects and 2 provincial and ministerial projects, with a total budget of 12.17 million yuan.

Representative Research Projects / Works / Papers

Project undertaken:

1. The Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 11502176. Theoretical Research on Metamaterial Design for Propagation Path of Specific Sound Waves. 2016/01-2018/12. 240,000 yuan.Completed

2. HJ Pre Research Project of 13th Five-Year Plan. Verification of Mechanism and Principle of Metamaterial Acoustic YS. 2018 / 06-2020 / 06. 8.17 million yuan. Completed

Representative works:

(1) Aiguo Zhao, Xiangdong Zhang, Weining Yu, Zhigao Zhao, Xuan Cai, and Hong Chen. Design and simulation of broadband multiphase pentamode metamaterials. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2021, 118:224103

(2) Aiguo Zhao, Zhigao Zhao, Xiangdong Zhang, Xuan Cai, Lei Wang, Tao Wu, Hong Chen, Design and experimental verification of a water-like pentamode material, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110: 011907

(3) Aiguo Zhao, Jijia Xie, Chengqi Sun, Zhengqiang Lei, Youshi Hong, Effect of strength level and loading frequency on very-high-cycle fatigue behavior for a bearing steel, International Journal of Fatigue, 2012, 38: 45-56
