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College of Civil Engineering: Fang Hai

Tutor Information


Fang Hai



Date of Birth


Professional Title



Research Fields

Composite Structures,

Bridge Collision Resistance and Protection

Personal Profile

Deputy Dean of College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Doctor, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor. Professor Fang has taken charge of 14 longitudinal projects such as general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 16 lateral projects entrusted by China Railway Major Bridge Reconnaissance & Design Institute Co., Ltd. He has published 197 academic papers in the journal, including 68 SCI papers, edited 2 works and participated in the compilation of 2 industry standards. Professor Fang has been authorized 25 national invention patents and 1 Singapore patent. He has won five provincial and ministerial awards, including the First Prize of Science and Technology Award of Jiangsu Province, the Second Prize of Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Education and the Second Prize of Military Science and Technology Progress.

Representative Research Projects / Works / Papers

[1]FangH, BaiY*, LiuWQ*, QiYJ, WangJ. Connectionsandstructuralapplicationsoffibrereinforcedpolymercompositesforcivilinfrastructureinaggressiveenvironments[J].CompositesPartB: Engineering;2019, 164: 129-143.

[2]FangH, ZouF, LiuWQ*, WuC, BaiY,DavidHui. MechanicalperformanceofconcretepavementreinforcedbyCFRPgridsforbridgedeckapplications[J].CompositesPartB: Engineering, 2017, 110: 315-335.

[3]FangH, MaoYF, LiuWQ*, LuZhuL, ZhangB. Manufacturingandevaluationoflarge-scalecompositebumpersystemforbridgepierprotectionagainstshipcollision[J].CompositeStructures, 2016, 158: 187-198.

[4] ChenJY,FangH*, LiuWQ, QiYJ, ZhuL. Experimentalandnumericalanalysisofnonlinearflexuralbehaviouroflattice-webreinforcedfoamcorecompositesandwichpanels[J].AdvancesinCivilEngineering, 2018: 1-11.

[6]Fang Hai, Chen Zhiyue, Liu Weiqing, Wan Yunlei, Zhu Lu.Experimental Test and Numerical Simulation of Precast Segmental Piers Subjected to Impact[J]. China Journal of Highway and Transport. 2021. 34(7): 270-283.

[7]Liu Weiqing*, Fang Hai, Fang Yuan.Research Progress of Fiber-reinforced Composites and Structures[J]. Journal of Building Structures. 2019. 40 (4): 1-16

[8]Fang Hai, Liu Weiqing, Shi Huiyuan, Zhang Fubin.Composite Sandwich Structure[M]. Science Press. 2020.
