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College of Transportation Engineering: Xu Lingyu

Tutor Information


Xu Lingyu



Date of Birth


Professional Title

Associate Professor


Research Fields

Slope Stability, Soil Liquefaction, Off-shore Geotechnical Engineering; Pile Foundation Engineering, Urban Underground Space Engineering; Offshore Wind Power, Subsea Tunnel

Personal Profile

D.Eng. in Disaster Prevention & Mitigation Engineering and Protection Engineering of Dalian University of Technology and Visiting Scholar of Gunma University in Japan; Member of theSeismological Society of China, member of the Geotechnical Engineering Technical Commission on Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Mitigation of China Seismological Society, and member of Jiangsu Underground Space Society. He has presided over 5 national, provincial- and ministerial-level projects that are supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (General Program), the Young Scientists Fund of the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and Jiangsu Province Postdoctoral Science Foundation, respectively, focusing on such lateral subjects as slope, foundation treatment and tunnel construction. He is also the holder of 3 national invention patents and 5 software copyrights.

Representative Research Projects / Works / Papers

[1]Chen, W., Huang, L.,Xu, L*., Zhao, K., Wang, Z., &Jeng, D. (2021). Numerical study on the frequency response of offshore monopile foundation to seismic excitation. Computers and Geotechnics, 138, 104342.

[2]Ling-Yu Xu, Fei Cai, Wei-Yun Chen, Jing-Zhe Zhang, Dong-Dong Pan, Qi Wu, Guo-Xing Chen. (2021) Undrained cyclic response of a dense saturated sand with various grain sizes and contents of nonplastic fines: experimental analysis and constitutive modeling, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,

[3]Ling-Yu Xu, Cheng-Xiang Song, Wei-Yun Chen, Fei Cai, Yong-Yi Li, Guo-Xing Chen (2021) Xu, LY, Song, CX, Chen, WY, Cai, F, Li, YY, Chen, G X. (2021) Liquefaction-induced settlement of the pile group under vertical and horizontal ground motions. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Volume 144; 106709: 1-13.

[4]Ling-Yu Xu, Fei Cai, Jing-Zhe Zhang, Dong-Dong Pan, Qi Wu , Guo-Xing Chen. Evaluation of grain size and content of nonplastic fines on undrained behavior of sandy soils, Marine Georesources& Geotechnology, 2020

[5]Ling-Yu Xu, Jing-Min Pan, Ying-Ying Xue, Fei Cai. A numerical investigation of influence of low-plasticity fines in sand on lateral response of piles Marine Georesources& Geotechnology, 2020, 38(3): 302-311. (SCI)
