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College of Safety Science and Engineering: Zhang Bin

Tutor Information


Zhang Bin



安全科学与工程学院 张彬.jpg

Date of Birth


Professional Title



Research Fields

LNG Safety, Intrinsic Safety, Risk Assessment, New Flame-retardant Nanomaterials, Reaction Risk, Pipeline and Its Corrosion, Fire and Fire Protection, Application of High-expansion Foam in Safety and Environmental Protection, etc.

Personal Profile

Long engaged in research on chemical process safety, technical services and teaching; undertaken projects supported by the National Science Foundation of the United States, Qatar National Research Fund, British Petroleum, National Grid of the United Kingdom, Sinopec and other institutions; gained wide recognition for academic achievements, including 28 papers in SCI journals, 15 papers on international conferences, and participation in the editing of 3 publications in process safety since 2014.

Representative Research Projects / Works / Papers


1.Supported byS&T Innovation Program for Overseas Students in Nanjing 2020, A New Environmental-friendly Silica Gel Foam Material, 2020.07-2021.06, Project Leader

2.General Program of the NSFC, Study on Cognitive Mechanism and Modeling of Chain-reaction Accident Risk in Chemical Industrial Park with Small Data, Grant No. 71971110, 2020.1-2023.12, Member


1.J. Huo, Z. Wang, X. Luan, S. Hou, J. Jiang, B. Zhang, The CFD modeling of bund overtopping phenomena and prediction of dynamic pressure on the bund, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 74 (2022) 104653

2.Y. Liu, M. Jing, R. Xu, X. Luan, J. Jiang, B. Zhang, Study of key properties of expansion foam for process safety incident mitigation using an improved foam generator, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 74 (2022) 104661

3.Z. Wang, Y. Liu, S. Hou, Y. Zhang, B. Zhang, Toward a detailed understanding of the rocket propulsion process and prediction on the trajectory of a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE), J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 75 (2022) 104719

4.Y. Jiang, X. Pan, T. Zhang, Z. Wang, Q. Wang, L. Ta, Y. Li, M. Hua, B. Zhang, J. Jiang, Experimental study on pressure and flow characteristics of self-ignition hydrogen flowing into the unconfined space, Process Saf. Environ. Prot. 159 (2022) 120-132

5.C. Ma, M. Jing, S. Hou, J. Jiang, B. Zhang, Current status of safety engineering education in China, Process Saf. Prog. (2021) 1-8
