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Nanjing Tech University: using love and service to make overseas students feel the warmth of home

Recently, Daniel, a Togolese student from overseas educationcollegeof Nanjing Tech University , is reciting ancient Chinese poetry and recording videos to participate in the activities of the United Nations ChineseDay. This is a scene of the recent life of overseas students in China's university campus.

During epidemic situation, many overseas students have not returned to theircountry, What is their living and study situation in China? What measures didthe collegetake to ensure their health and safety during the outbreak? Let's go to Nanjing Tech University and have a look at the life of overseas students in the epidemic.

Real time grasp of students' dynamics and solve life needs

There are 198 international students in the overseas educationcollegeof Nanjing Tech University during this winter vacation.

Fu Yongxiang, Secretary of the Party committee of the overseas educationcollege of Nanjing Tech University, said that at the beginning of the outbreak, theuniversityformed a leading group for the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of overseas students, formulated and issued more than 10 documents, includingthe emergency management plan for the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of overseas students,a letter to foreign students, andthe notice on the management of the entrance and exit of overseas students inuniversity,and establisheda full coverage network system of information layout, statistics and submission. The point-to-point contact is implemented for all overseas students of Nanjing Tech University at home and abroad. The dynamic tracking daily report system is established. The real-time health status and other information of each overseas student are clearly mastered through wechat video, telephone and other way.

Dai Kun is a counselor of overseas education collegeof Nanjing Tech University. At 8 o'clock every night, he count the information and report it to the college. "We know the situation by online, and we go to the dormitory of the overseas students together with the counselors of other grades offline to teach them to take preventive measures and understand the life needs of the students." Dai said that during the epidemic period, theuniversityimplemented closed management, and the college also prepared sufficient living materials and necessary epidemic prevention materials, so that overseas students can live in peace and be assured of epidemic prevention.

"From winter vacation to now, my biggest feeling in China is security." Daniel said, "Response to the epidemic, we not only have the right methods of personal protection, scientific and effective disinfection measures in public space, perfect isolation measures in response to the floating personnel, but also thoughtful humanistic care. Every step of careful and in place measures make us feel full of security."

Organize online teaching activities, and students do not stop classes

"During the epidemic, foreign students have been exposed to many information related to the epidemic through various ways, and lack of judgment on some untrue information on the Internet, so they are inevitably anxious and fidgety." Wang Fei, Vice Dean of the overseas education college, introduced the knowledge of epidemic prevention to the teachers of the college, and translated them into English with overseas volunteers, and publicizing epidemic prevention knowledge through WeChat's "screen to screen" and "key to key".

When Nanjing Tech University organized the online teaching activity of "non suspension of classes", thecollege of overseas education also launched the teaching activity of overseas students in time. It is not only recommended excellent online learning resources for students to learn, arranged winter vacation homework to urge them to improve their learning quality, but also teachers carried out online interesting language games with overseas students through wechat, QQ. For overseas students living abroad, facing the reality of poor network environment and large time difference, the teachers of Nanjing University of technology's overseas education college also tookthe way of video recording and broadcasting to teach for students to learn.

Malik, a foreign student, said that he was in the campus during the whole winter vacation. In recent months, he witnessed the victory of China's anti epidemic campaign. In his spare time, while doing well in his own anti epidemic work, he spontaneously formed a volunteer team with overseas students staying in school and actively joined the anti epidemic work of the University. He also workedas a translator to help exchange students communicate with sellers when shopping online. "At present, students from other colleges have also returned touniversity. Although they are still taking online courses, everything is moving in a good direction, which is really very good." Mailk said .

Go through the formalities of leaving school and returning home, and provide personalized services

Because of the outbreak of the epidemic, the overseas students especially affect the hearts of their families in the distance. Because of the epidemic, various uncertain factors make the simple way of returning to China for overseas students become relatively tortuous.

On February 6th, the 2019 grade student Asad akhmedov from Uzbekistan applied to the college for returning home. With the help of the counselor, he completed the procedures of leaving school, but when he arrived at Beijing airport, he found that the flight was temporarily cancelled. "After receiving Asad akhmedov's wechat, I immediately reported to the school and arranged him to return to the school as required." Counselor Dai kun said. After arriving at the school, they arranged Asad akhmedov to stay in the isolation area according to the regulations. At the same time, they also contacted the entry and exit management department of Jiangbei new area in Nanjing to understand the specific policies of the students' country and China. After that, they booked his a ticket and provided protective materials. Finally, Asad Akhmedov successfully flew home from Nanjing airport. "Thank you for taking care of me during the outbreak." Asad akhmedov said, "in fact, China has done a very good job in epidemic prevention. After returning to China, I also introduced China's good epidemic prevention measures and experience to people around me."

Maria, a 2018 garde Thermophysics Engineering doctoral student back in Pakistan.In his letter to the school, FAYYAZ wrote, "during China's fight against covid-19, the role of the Chinese government was enormous. Although we are foreigners, we were treated equally with Chinese citizens. The Chinese government ensured that everyone was well taken care of.China-Pakistan relations are great. The friendship between the two peoples is pure as water. China is ours Second hometown. "

At present, Nanjing Tech University organizes overseas students to carry out online daily learning activities and submit their own health information every day, and their study life is on the right track. The returned students are still interested in China and actively voice on the Internet. They not only translate and publicize the knowledge related to popular science epidemic, but also praise China's anti epidemic experience through social media, tell about their life in China and help the international community to understand China more completely and comprehensively.

(Photo by Wang Mengqiao, Zhang Jinfeng, Nanjing University of Technology)
