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丹麦工业大学 Marcel A.J. Somers教授给我校师生作报告

9月11日上午,丹麦工业大学Marcel A.J. Somers教授应巩建鸣教授邀请,在机械学院四楼报告厅为我校师生作了题为“Expanded austenite; from fundamental understanding to predicting composition- and stress-depth profiles”的学术报告。副校长巩建鸣教授以及机械学院师生参加了本次报告会。

报告会由巩建鸣教授主持。报告伊始,Marcel A.J. Somers教授介绍了目前对不锈钢低温表面强化过程中微观结构、成分和残余应力演变理解的状况,并向我们展示过去18年来诸多同事的研究成果。他阐述了涉及扩张奥氏体的理论、实验和建模等方面的专业知识,使大家对扩张奥氏体的理论与发展有了全新的认识。

报告尾声,Marcel A.J. Somers教授与老师和同学们亲切交流,并就老师和同学们关心的问题进行了讨论。副校长巩建鸣教授作了报告总结,并代表学校向Marcel A.J. Somers教授赠送了礼物,此次学术报告在热烈的掌声中结束!

作者:鲁雨 摄影:陈超鸣、叶飞 单位:机械与动力工程学院 审核:唐明辉

Marcel A.J. Somers教授简介:

Marcel A.J. Somers (1960) received his M.Sc. degree in physical metallurgy (1985) and his Doctor’s degree (1989) from Delft University of Technology (NL). In 89/90 he was with Philips Center for Materials, Technology and Innovation as section leader in advanced materials characterization. He returned to Delft University of Technology as assistant professor in physical chemistry of the solid state in 1990 and was appointed full professor of physical metallurgy at the Technical University of Denmark in 1997. A red thread through Dr. Somers’ scientific work is gas-metal interactions in surface engineering and gaseous corrosion along with microstructure characterization with microscopy, diffraction and spectroscopy. Furthermore, his interests involve martensitic transformations at cryogenic temperatures. His work is of fundamental character with a technological importance and spin-off for industrial application. Since 2000 Marcel Somers has led a university group in Materials and Surface Engineering with strong expertise in atmospheric, aqueous and microbial corrosion, (electro) chemical deposition of metals and alloys and the stability of high temperature materials in coal and biomass fired power plants. Marcel Somers has co-authored more than 280 papers in international scientific and technological journals and conference proceedings and, together with Prof. E.J. Mittemeijer he is co-editor of Thermochamical Surface Engineering of Steels. He is co-inventor of 10 patents, all of which have been implemented in industrial applications, and co-founder of the industrial spin-outs Expanite and TRD Surfaces. He was awarded the Brandsma prize (1989); ASM European Lecturer (1999); Reinholdt W. Jorck prize (2001); DTU's innovation prize (2007); Alex Foss gold medal for rewarding contributions to engineering sciences (2014) and Fellow of ASM International (2016). The latter appointment is an international recognition for the contribution of his team to research, innovation and teaching in Materials Science and Engineering, in particular Thermochemical Surface Engineering. He is an elected member of the Danish Society for Technical Sciences (ATV) since 1999 and was chairman of the Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Sciences (FTP) from 2007 to 2009.
