10月19日下午,美国阿肯色大学(University of Arkansas)Ashok Saxena教授应邀为机械学院师生作了名为Fracture Control and Structural Integrity的精彩报告。
报告伊始,巩建鸣副校长向大家介绍了Ashok Saxena教授,并代表学校向Ashok Saxena教授赠送了礼物。Ashok Saxena教授是学术界公认的断裂研究领域的专家,发表过250多篇的文献及8本书籍,曾任阿肯色大学副校长及机械学院院长。随后,周昌玉教授代表机械学院致欢迎词并主持了本次报告会。一个多小时的报告会上,Ashok Saxena教授对看到那么多年轻学者在场听报告表示惊喜,回想了昔日的读书生涯,并鼓励大家在学术上勇攀高峰。接下来,他从含氢状态下的结构完整性、心血管系统中的结构完整性应用及航空发动机中的结构完整性三个方面阐述了自己的研究。
最后,Ashok Saxena教授还和师生们就关心的问题进行了交流。不少同学积极向Ashok Saxena教授询问自己的困惑疑问,Ashok Saxena教授都一一耐心解答。活动在同学们的阵阵掌声中结束。
Dr. Ashok Saxena is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arkansas where in the past he has served as the Provost and Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs, the Dean of Engineering and the Raymond and Irma Giffels’ Chair, and the Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Billingsley Endowed Chair. He is the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions in the field of fracture research. He has authored/co-authored/edited eight books and over 250 research publications. Dr. Saxena’s area of research is mechanical behavior of materials focusing on linear and nonlinear fracture mechanics and fracture in materials at high temperatures under the conditions of creep and creep-fatigue.