何津,副教授,硕士生导师,2008年在University of Illinois at Chicago的机械与工业工程系获得博士学位,2005年、2002年在南京大学电子系声学专业分别获硕士、学士学位。2009-2010在Schlumberger公司任Engineer/Postdoctoral Scientist。2017年在Boston University做访问学者。在Nano Letters,Applied Physics Letters,International Journal of Solids and Structures等期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,从事固体力学、振动、声学方面的研究。长期讲授机械振动基础、汽车振动基础方面的课程。
1. J. X. Zhao, R. Liu, D. Mao,J. He, “Effect of stress triaxiality on plastic deformation of metallic glasses,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 919, p. 165867, 2022.
2.J. He, J. Zhao, C. Yin, “Constitutive equations and stiffness related properties for elastic and hyperelastic solid surfaces: Theories and finite element implementations,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 202, pp. 660-671, 2020.
3.J. Heand H. S. Park, “A methodology for modeling surface effects on stiff and soft solids,” Computational Mechanics, Vol. 61(6), pp. 687-697, 2018.
4.J. Heand C. M. Lilley, “Surface stress effect on bending resonance of nanowires with different boundary conditions,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93(26), p. 263108, 2008.
5.J. Heand C. M. Lilley, “Surface effect on the elastic behavior of static bending nanowires,” Nano Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 1798-1802, 2008.