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担任机械与动力工程学院新能源科学与工程系副主任,教师第八党支部书记。中国工程热物理学会会员,教育部学位中心论文评审专家,International Journal of Heat and Mass transfer、Applied Energy、Applied Thermal Engineering、Energy and Buildings等SCI期刊审稿人。

主要从事面向新能源与化工领域的相变传热与高效热管理技术研究,承担的本科生理论和实践课程包括《储能技术》、《机械制造基础》、《机械原理》、《机械原理课程设计》、《可再生能源系统创新设计》等。自主开发了碱金属高温热管充装系统,形成了可靠的高温热管制备工艺;提出了PPC气液相变传热模型,克服了传统相变模型应用于热管CFD仿真存在的能质传递不平衡等问题。主持国家自然科学基金委青年基金1项,承担多项面向企业/科研院所的产学研合作和技术服务项目,参与NSFC面上项目2项、国家科技支撑计划项目1项、国家重点研发计划项目1项。共发表期刊论文30余篇,大多在Energy Conversion and Management、International Journal of Heat and Mass transfer、Applied Thermal Engineering、Energy and Buildings等中科院二区以上/Top期刊,其中第一/通讯作者论文17篇(h-index=12,截止2024年1月)。





2019.08- 2020.07德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学博士后

2019.01- 2021.03南京工业大学博士后















[1]Hao Liu,Xiaoyuan Wang*, Wang Gan, et al. Experimental investigation on extraction of shallow geothermal energy by flexible two-phase closed thermosyphons: Effect of geometric parameters. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 298,113515.

[2]Yuwen Shi, Shuai Wang, Yanshan Feng,Xiaoyuan Wang*, et al. Experimental investigation on reactivation characteristics of liquid–metal heat pipes after hydrogen inactivation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 235, 2023,121376.

[3]Xiaoyuan Wang, Yuwen Shi, Tiancheng Liu, et al. CFD modeling of liquid-metal heat pipe and hydrogen inactivation simulation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 199, 123490.

[4]Hao Liu, Wang Gan, Huicong Yao,Xiaoyuan Wang*, et al. Visualization and heat transfer comparative analysis of two phase closed thermosyphon. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 217, 2022: 119172.

[5]Hao Liu,Xiaoyuan Wang*, Liying Zheng, et al. Temperature response and thermal performance analysis of a super-long flexible thermosyphon for shallow geothermal utilization: Field test and numerical simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 192: 122915.

[6]Hao Liu,Xiaoyuan Wang*, Kai Wang, Yalu Zhu, Yuezhao Zhu. Numerical analysis of ground temperature response characteristics of a space-heating ground source heat pump system by utilizing super-long flexible heat pipes for heat extraction. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 244: 110991.

[7]Jinjiao Zhu, Lin Zhu, Dandan Guo, Ying Chen,Xiaoyuan Wang*, Yuezhao Zhu. Co-pyrolysis of petrochemical sludge and sawdust for syngas production by TG-MS and fixed bed reactor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2020,45(55), 30232-30243.

[8]Xiaoyuan Wang, Hao Liu, et al. CFD simulation of dynamic heat transfer behaviors in super-long thermosyphons for shallow geothermal application. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 174: 115295.

[9]Wanfeng Teng,Xiaoyuan Wang*, Yuezhao Zhu*. Experimental investigations on start-up and thermal performance of sodium heat pipe under swing conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 152, 119505.

[10]Xiaoyuan Wang, Yuezhao Zhu*, Yinfeng Wang. Development of pressure-based phase change model for CFD modelling of heat pipes, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 145, 118763.

[11]Xiaoyuan Wang, Huicong Yao, Jun Li, Yinfeng Wang, Yuezhao Zhu*. Experimental and numerical investigation on heat transfer characteristics of ammonia thermosyhpons at shallow geothermal temperature. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 136: 1147-1159.

[12]Xiaoyuan Wang, Yinfeng Wang, Zhi Wang, Yuxuan Liu, Yuezhao Zhu*, Haijun Chen. Simulation-based analysis of a ground source heat pump system using super-long flexible heat pipes coupled borehole heat exchanger during heating season. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 164: 132-143.

[13]Xiaoyuan Wang, Yinfeng Wang, Haijun Chen, Yuezhao Zhu*. A combined CFD/visualization investigation of heat transfer behaviors during geyser boiling in two-phase closed thermosyphon. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 121: 703-714.

[14]Xiaoyuan Wang, Yalu Zhu, Minzhao Zhu, Yuezhao Zhu*, Hongtu Fan, Yinfeng Wang. Thermal analysis and optimization of an ice and snow melting system using geothermy by super-long flexible heat pipes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 112(5): 1353-1363.

[15]Xiaoyuan Wang, Tingting Ma, Yuezhao Zhu*, Haijun Chen, Jinling Zeng. Experimental investigation on startup and thermal performance of a high temperature special-shaped heat pipe coupling the flat plate heat pipe and cylindrical heat pipes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2016, 77:1-9.

[16]朱跃钊,王啸远,范红途,朱韵卉,陈海军.一种超长柔性热管及其地热融雪除冰方法[P].中国专利: ZL201610389338.X, 2018-02-23.

