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2008年毕业于哈尔滨工程大学航天与建筑工程学院,获固体力学博士学位。20088—201112月在中国科学院金属研究所材料的疲劳与断裂研究室先后任博士后、助理研究员。20121—10月受聘于中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所任副研究员。201210—20186月于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)先后任博士后和Research Associate201810月起受聘于南京工业大学机械与动力工程学院教授。

主要从事金属材料疲劳与断裂的实验、理论和有限元模拟,以及压力容器结构可靠性分析评估以及寿命预测软件开发等方面的研究工作。研究内容涉及力学、材料、腐蚀、计算机等多个学科。先后在Acta Materialia,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions,Materials Science and Engineering A, Journal of Mechanics,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition等工程材料和固体力学SCI期刊和会议上发表学术论文40篇,其中第一作者SCI文章21篇。








金属玻璃变形与断裂行为的缺口效应研究(批准号51101159), 国家自然科学基金青年项目,20121—201412月,已结题,25万。项目负责人








1.J. X. Zhao,H. Liu, Y. Zhou, Y. F. Chen,J. M. Gong. Effect of relative density on the compressive properties of Ti6Al4V diamond lattice structures with shells.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2021.In Press

2.Y. F. Chen, H. Liu, J. W. Shen, J. M. Gong,J. X. Zhao*. Compression behavior of diamond lattice structure and its Hall-Petch relationship.Advanced Engineering Materials,2020, 2001024.*通讯作者)

3.J. He,J. X. Zhao*, C. B. Yin. Constitutive equations and stiffness related properties for elastic and hyperelastic solid surfaces: theories and finite element implementations.International Journal of Solids and Structures,2020,202: 660-671.*通讯作者)

4.J. X. Zhao,Y. F. Chen, F. F. Wu, J. M. Gong. Numerical study on deformation behavior of bulk metallic glass composites via modified free-volume theory.Intermetallics,2020; 119: 106717.

5.J. X. Zhao,Z. F. Zhang,Y. F. Chen, J. M. Gong. Revisiting the effect of aspect ratio on shear band evolution by hydrostatic-stress embedded free-volume theory.Journal ofNon-crystalline Solids,2020; 531: 119861.

6.J. X. Zhao,Y.Jiang,L. Y. Geng, J. M. Gong. On the effect of hydrostatic stress on plastic deformation in metallic glasses.Journal ofNon-crystalline Solids,2019; 521: 119485.

7.J. X. Zhao,J. W. Yin,Y. Jiang, J. M. Gong.A macro-and microscopic model characterizing unstable shear banding in metallic glass.Materials Research Express,106580, 2019.

8.J. X. Zhao, K. Chevil,L.Lamborn,G. Van Boven,W. X. Chen.On Pipeline SCADA Data Recording, Storing and Filtering for Crack Growth.Journal of Pipeline System and Engineering Practice,04019034,2019.

9.J. X. Zhao, W. X. Chen, M. S. Yu, K. Chevil, E. Eadie, G. Van Boven, R. Kania, J. Been and S. Keane. Crack growth modelling and life prediction of pipeline steels exposed to near-neutral pH envrionments. Dissolution crack growth and occurence of crack dormancy in stage I.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2017; 48: 1629-1640.

10.J. X. Zhao, W. X. Chen, M. S. Yu, K. Chevil, E. Eadie, G. Van Boven, R. Kania, J. Been and S. Keane. Crack growth modelling and life prediction of pipeline steels exposed to near-neutral pH envrionments. Stage II crack growth and overall life prediction.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2017; 48: 1641-1652.

11.J. X. Zhao, W. X. Chen, K. Chevil, J. Been, G. Van Boven, S. Keane and R. Kania. Effect ofpressure sampling methods on pipeline integrity analysis.Journal of Pipeline System and Engineering Practice, 0401706, 2017.

12.J. X. Zhao, K. Chevil, M. S. Yu, J. Been, S. Keane, G. Van Boven, R. Kania and W. X. Chen.Statistical analysis on underload-type pipeline spectra.Journal of Pipeline System and Engineering and Practice, 04016007, 2016.

13.J. X. Zhao. Understanding the shear band interaction in metallic glass.Philosophical Magazine Letters. 2016; 96: 35.

14.J. X. Zhao.Achieving the desirbale compressive plasticity by installing notch cluster in metallic glass.Materials Science and Engineering A.2015;634: 134.

15.J. X. Zhao,Z. F. Zhang.On the stress-state dependent plasticity of brittle metallic glasses: experiment, theory and simulation.Materials Science and Engineering A.2013;586C: 123.

16.J. X. Zhao,Z. F. Zhang, Comparison of compressive deformation and fracture behaviors of Zr- and Ti-based metallic glasses with notches.Materials Science and Engineering A.2011;528: 2967.

17.J. X. Zhao, F. F. Wu, R. T. Qu, S. X. Li, Z. F. Zhang.Plastic deformationability of metallic glass by artificial macroscopic notches.Acta Materialia. 2010; 58: 5420.

18.J. X. Zhao, R. T. Qu, F. F. Wu, Z. F. Zhang, B. L. Shen, M. Stoica, J. Eckert.Fracture mechanism of some brittle metallic glasses.Journal of Applied Physics. 2009;105:103519.

19.J. X. Zhao, F. F. Wu, Z. F. Zhang.Analysis on shear deformation mechanism of metallic glass under confined bending test.Materials Science and Engineering A. 2010;527:6224.

20.J. X. Zhao, F. F. Wu, R. T. Qu, S. X. Li, Z. F. Zhang.Deformation behavior and enhanced plasticity of Ti-based metallic glass with notches.Philosophical Magazine. 2010; 90: 3867.

21.J. X. Zhao,R. T. Qu, F. F. Wu, S. X. Li, Z. F. Zhang.Unique plastic deformation ability of metallic glass induced by notches.Philosophical Magazine Letters.2010; 90: 875.

22.J. X. Zhao,H. Qi.Scattering of plane SH-wave from a partially debonded shallow cylindrical elastic inclusion.Journal of Mechanics.2009;25:411.

23.J. X. Zhao,H. Qi, S. W. Su.Scattering of SH-wave from interface cylindrical elastic inclusion with a semicircular disconnected curve.Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition.2008;29:779.

联系方式:Email: jxzhaoimr@njtech.edu.cn
