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陈苏教授课题组一研究成果被Nature子刊NPG Asia Materials选为研究亮点论文报道

近日,实验室陈苏教授课题组在量子点/聚合物主客体定向组装有序纳米纤维的最新成果(发表在J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 8412–8415上的 “Interface-Directed Assembly of One-Dimensional Ordered Architecture from Quantum Dots Guest and Polymer Host” )被Nature子刊NPG Asia Materials选为Research Highlight论文进行亮点报道 (doi:10.1038/asiamat.2011.116.)
这项研究成果利用界面分子组装的方法巧妙地实现了量子点纳米晶与聚合物主客体组装,并构筑出具有荧光特性的一维纳米聚合物纤维先进材料。在量子点与纳米线组装过程中能够保持其自身的荧光特性。报道称:“该方法设计灵巧、新颖、易于操控,其纳米聚合物纤维可原位生成,且具有纤维直径可调、荧光稳定性佳等特点, 此一维量子点聚合物纳米纤维在光电及传感器领域将有很好应用前景。”
评论认为:“半导体制备的纳米粒子,由于具备光致发光的性质,且可根据纳米粒子的粒径调节其发射波长而被广泛研究。然而,将此类量子点应用到器件上需要它们能组装成更大的结构,如纳米线,而常用自上而下的传统组装技术是很难实现的。本工作的重要性在于量子点组装成纳米线的过程中仍保持优越的荧光性,且合成易行。” (“Nanoparticles made from semiconductors such as cadmium telluride (CdTe) are widely investigated for their light-emitting properties, as their emission wavelength can be easily tuned by adjusting the diameter of the nanoparticles. However, integrating such quantum dots into actual devices requires them to be incorporated into larger structures such as nanowires, which has been difficult to achieve with conventional top-down fabrication processes. Importantly, the quantum dots retain their fluorescent properties upon integration into the nanowires, and the synthesis is flexible with respect to the starting materials.”)
