目前在International Journal of Solids and Structures、Tribology International、Applied Mathematical Modelling等国际知名期刊发表学术论文10余篇,主持国家自然科学基金1项,主持省部级项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金和省部级项目3项,承担企业委托项目3项。获2022年校微课比赛一等奖,获校级本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师1次,指导学生获优秀本科毕业设计(论文)2次。
[1]Hui Wang, Xiaochun Yin, Hong Hao, Bo Yu. The correlation of the theoretical contact models for normal elastic-plastic impacts, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 182-183: 15-33.
[2] Chuanqing Chen, Xiaochun Yin,Hui Wang, Tengfei Jin, Lin Zhang, Wenhao Xie, Panpan Weng. Unloading behavior of low velocity impact between elastic and elastic-plastic bodies, Tribology International, 2020, 151: 106485.
[3] Tengfei Jin, Xiaochun Yin,Hui Wang, Lin Zhang, Xiaoli Qi, Qingming Deng, Bo Yu, Qiming Hao, Xiaoyun Dong. Numerical-analytical model for transient dynamics of elastic-plastic plate under eccentric low-velocity impact, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 70: 490-511.
[4]Hui Wang, Xiaochun Yin, Xiaoli Qi, Qingming Deng, Bo Yu, Qiming Hao. Experimental and theoretical analysis of the elastic-plastic normal repeated impacts of a sphere on a beam, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 109: 131-142.
[5]Hui Wang, Xiaochun Yin, Qingming Deng, Bo Yu, Qiming Hao, Xiaoyun Dong. Experimental and theoretical analyses of elastic-plastic repeated impacts by considering wave effects , European Journal of Mechanics - A: Solids, 2017, 65: 212-222
[6]BoYu,XiaochunYin,LiangJiang,XinXiao,ChangliangWang,HaoYuan,XiaoaoChen,WenhaoXie,HuiWang,HuaipingDing.Analysis of plastic yield behavior during impact of a rigid sphere on an elastic-perfectly plastic half-space,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 107774
[7]YuanyuanGuo,XiaochunYin,BoYu,QimingHao,XinXiao,LiangJiang,HuiWang,ChuanqingChen,WenhaoXie,HuaipingDing,HaoYuan.Experimental analysis of dynamic behavior of elastic visco-plastic beam under repeated mass impacts,International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2023, 104371
[8]Chuanqing Chen,Qiao Wang,Hui Wang,Huaiping Ding,Wei Hu,Wenhao Xie,Panpan Weng,Liang Jiang,Xiaochun Yin. Contact Unloading Behaviors of Elastic-Power-Law Strain Hardening Material Considering Indenter Elasticity Effect, Journal of Tribology, 2022, 144(12):121501
[9]PanpanWeng,XiaochunYin,WeiHu,HaoYuan,ChuanqingChen,HuaipingDing,BoYu,WenhaoXie,LiangJiang,HuiWang.Piecewise linear deformation characteristics and a contact model for elastic-plastic indentation considering indenter elasticity,Tribology International, 2021,107114
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