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2010.08-2014.06哈尔滨工程大学 航天与建筑工程学院工程力学 学士

2012.09-2014.01哈尔滨工程大学工商管理 学士(双学位)

2014.09-2015.07哈尔滨工程大学航天与建筑工程学院工程力学 硕士(保送)

2015.09-2020.07哈尔滨工程大学航天与建筑工程学院力 学 博士



1. 2020年度黑龙江省力学优秀博士学位论文提名奖。


3. 2018年博士研究生国家奖学金。(2018.11.20




[1] Guanxixi Jiang, Zailin Yang*, Cheng Sun, Yunqiu Song, Yong Yang. Analytical study of SH wave scattering by a cylindrical cavity in the two-dimensional and approximately linear inhomogeneous medium [J]. Waves in Random and Complex Media. 2020, in press.

[2] Guanxixi Jiang, Zailin Yang*, Cheng Sun, Xinzhu Li, Yong Yang. Dynamic stress concentration of a cylindrical cavity in vertical exponentially inhomogeneous half space under SH wave [J]. 2019, Meccanica. 54: 2411-2420.

[3] Guanxixi Jiang, Zailin Yang*, Cheng Sun, Baitao Sun, Yong Yang. Dynamic response of a circular inclusion embedded in inhomogeneous half-space [J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2018, 88: 1791-1803.

[4] Guanxixi Jiang, Zailin Yang*, Cheng Sun, Baitao Sun, Yong Yang. Dynamic analysis of anisotropic half space containing an elliptical inclusion under SH waves [J]. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020, 43(11):6888-6902.

[5] Zailin Yang, Guanxixi Jiang, Yunqiu Song, Yong Yang, Menghan Sun*. Effect on dynamic stress distribution by the shape of cavity in continuous inhomogeneous medium under SH waves incidence [J]. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2020, in press.

[6] Zailin Yang, Guanxixi Jiang, Cheng Sun, Tongsuo Tang, Yong Yang*. The role of soil anisotropy on SH wave scattering by a lined circular elastic tunnel in an elastic half-space soil medium [J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2019, 125: 105721.

[7] Zailin Yang, Guanxixi Jiang, Baitao Sun, Yong Yang*. Scattering of shear waves by cylindrical inclusion in anisotropic half space [J]. Acta Mechanica. 2017, 228: 4039-4053.

[8] Zailin Yang, Guanxixi Jiang, Haiyi Tang, Baitao Sun, Yong Yang*. Dynamic analysis of a cylindrical cavity in inhomogeneous elastic half-space subjected to SH-wave [J]. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2019, 24: 299-311.

