Plasma Electrification: A Promising Decentralized Solution for the Production of Fuels and Chemicals

时间:2023-11-14 来源: 作者: 摄影: 编辑:王小轩 上传:






报告人简介:屠昕, 现任英国利物浦大学电气工程与电子系等离子体催化讲席教授和博士生导师。屠昕教授长期致力于将等离子体催化技术用于能源高效转化利用和环境污染控制等基础前沿和应用研究,具有多学科交叉的国际化研究背景,取得了一批具有国际领先水平的创新成果,申报国际专利五项,在Nature Rev Mater, JACS, Agnew Chem等重要国际期刊发表论文200余篇。屠昕教授是等离子体催化领域具有国际影响力的知名学者,多次举办国际会议/暑期学校并担任国际会议主席7次,受邀在重要国际会议作邀请报告80余次,担任多个国际期刊编委和国际期刊的特刊编辑。2019年屠昕教授牵头组织等离子体催化领域的16位知名专家学者共同编写了2020等离子体催化技术路线图,为等离子体催化这一变革性技术在能源和环境领域的应用指明今后的发展方向。屠昕教授作为项目负责人主持和参与了三十余项英国工程与物理科学研究理事会(EPSRC)、欧盟地平线欧洲(Horizon Europe)、欧盟地平线2020计划(Horizon2020)、皇家学会、皇家工程学会、英国文化协会、英国交通部、英国国家核实验室和工业界等资助的项目,经费总额超过1800万英镑,其中承担经费超过500万英镑。

报告摘要:The conversion of inert molecules (e.g., CO2, CH4, and N2) with strong chemical bonds for the synthesis of value-added synthetic fuels and platform chemicals has attracted significant interest. However, the activation of these molecules remains a great challenge due to their thermodynamical stable, requiring a substantial amount of energy for activation. Non-thermal plasma (NTP) has emerged as a promising electrification technology for gas conversions under ambient conditions. The combination of NTP with heterogeneous catalysis has great potential for achieving a synergistic effect through the interactions between the plasma and catalysts, which can activate catalysts at low temperatures, improve their activity and stability, and lead to a notable increase in conversion, selectivity, and yield of end-products, as well as enhance the energy efficiency of the process. Furthermore, plasma processes can be switched on and off instantly, offering great flexibility in decentralized fuel and chemical production using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, particularly intermittent renewable energy. This presentation will discuss the challenges and opportunities of the promising plasma electrification technology for decentralized production of fuels and chemicals, including various chemical processes such as CH4activation, CO2conversion, and ammonia synthesis.

