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The First Jiangsu International Exchange Week on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application Opened

On the morning of October 30th,the opening ceremony and main forum of the first Jiangsu International Exchange Week on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application,hosted by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Educationand organizedbyNanjingTech, wereheld at the Yangtze River International Conference Center. This exchange week is co-organized by 10 universities in Jiangsu. Vice Governor Zhao Yan attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

With the theme ofInternational Cooperation and Integration ofIndustry, Education, Research and Applicationfor a Shared Future, this exchange week brings together more than 300 presidents, academicians and representatives of leading enterprises from more than 100higher educational institutions and research institutesin Russia, Britain, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Canada, South Korea, Pakistan, Singapore, Egypt, South Africaas well asother countries and regions. Theyfocusedon9key areas of economic and social developmentso as toexplorenew opportunities and measures for cross-border collaboration to stimulate innovation capability, industrial power and ecological vitality in the context of globalization.

President Jiang Juncheng introduced the characteristic path ofNanjingTechworking together with more than 120 high-level overseas partners to implement industry-education-research collaborative innovation.He said that NanjingTechwill continue to deepen international industry-education-research-application cooperation based on multiple international joint research platformsbetween China and Russia, China and Germany, China andSpain, China and South Africa, different Sino-Foreign cooperative education projects as well as scientific and technological achievement incubators. He also looks forward to this exchange week building a solid bond and a high-speed channelfor academia and industry at home and abroad. Shan Jianhua, an alumnus of NanjingTech, Vice President of BASF and General Manager of BASF-YPC Co., Ltd.,delivered an opening addressas an enterprise representative, sharing the important role ofNanjingTechin solving technical problemsofenterprises.

The opening ceremony also heldthesigning ceremonyof international industry-education-research-applicationcooperation agreements,theinauguration ceremony of international industry-education-research-application cooperation platforms, andthe appointment ceremony of Sino-Foreign joint training doctoralsupervisors.Vice President Ling Xiang and the representative from University of Johannesburg pressed thestart buttonfor the China-South Africa Joint High-Tech incubator. Vice President Dai Zhihui presented the letter of appointment for the foreign supervisor.The subsequent main forum focused on the theme of international industry-education-research-application cooperation, withplenary speechesdelivered by Chinese and foreign academiciansas well astwo dialogues. Amongthe dialogue guests, Gloria Cuenca,Vice-Rectorof University of Zaragoza, shared the innovative cooperation practices withNanjingTech.Lloyd Townley, a distinguished professor of NanjingTech,made anexchangereport as one of thetwo representative cases ofJiangsu universities` commercialization of scientific researchachievementsin the main forum.
