Where the Dream Begins

202024410001 ANOOD H A ALBAYYOUK From Palestine

Today I want to tell a story about a girls dream. There was an ambitious girl named Annie, who had a happy family of six. She lived a quiet life until one day, at the age of 11, her father unexpectedly decided to take the whole family on a trip to China. At this time, Annie knew nothing about China, but she rushed excitedly to pack her bags, and she didnt expect this trip would change her life.

I. Prelude to the dream

In 2011, Annies family took a plane to China. It was her first time to travel to an unfamiliar country and her first time to see Beijing, the capital of China. The family went to climb the Great Wall to enjoy the natural scenery and to visit Sanlitun, which was a fashion center. Annie was so elated about everything that she felt like she was in a dream world. Her father asked her,Do you like China?She said,Yes. I hope I can study and live here one day. China is so beautiful, Chinese people are so friendly, and I love it.Dad replied,I will help you make your wish come true, but only if you study hard.Excited, she imagined her life in China and stayed up all night.

(Photos Taken in Beijing in 2011)

II. Towards the dream

Annie returned to her country and began to study hard every day. When her classmates heard that Annie wanted to study in China, they all laughed at her. Her father encouraged her by saying,Dont listen to anyone who says you cant make it. I believe in you, and please believe in yourself as I do.So she studied harder and graduated from high school with the Most Outstanding Student Award in her class. Then she began applying to universities, but she wondered if she could really come to China to achieve her dream.

After applying to more than 20 universities, Annie was finally accepted to a Chinese university. She was so thrilled that she asked her dad to accompany her to the embassy to apply for a student visa. The interviewer asked her,Are you planning to study abroad alone at the age of 16?Annie answered,Yes, I am.The interviewer insisted that it was difficult for her to study alone in China because she was too young and learning Chinese was not that easy. Annie replied,My native language is one of the hardest languages in the world, and I can learn it well, so Im sure I can learn Chinese well too. Not only do I love Chinese, but I appreciate Chinese culture. Studying in China is a dream Ive had since I was 11, and its all I want.The interviewer only asked Annie to go back and wait for the result.

Two days later, the embassy informed Annie to get her visa. She was overjoyed that her six years of hard work had finally made her dream come true. She couldnt wait to get to China, even though there might be more challenges ahead.

III. Fulfilling the dream

In 2017, Annie came to China again, marveling at the rapid development of China. Still, she struggled to adapt to her new life, being satisfied with learning Chinese during the day while feeling nostalgic at night. But she didnt give up. After studying Chinese for one year, she decided to continue applying for a second year. Because the Chinese language and culture have broad and profound meanings, one year was too short for her to master them.

In her second year of study, Annie began to enjoy her life in China. She made many Chinese friends who taught her to cut paper, write Chinese characters, and sing Chinese operas. She and her friends also visited many beautiful places together and tasted many Chinese cuisines. While experiencing Chinese customs and culture, Annie developed a deep affection for China and its people.

After two years of language study, Annie began applying for her undergraduate degree. She chose Chinese International Education, a major that requires a higher level of Chinese language proficiency. Because she wanted to be a Chinese teacher in her own country, teaching the Chinese language and culture to more people and sharing her unforgettable experience in China with more people. The day she received her acceptance letter, she cried tears of joy. She knew that the two years had not been wasted and that she had never stopped on the road to achieving her dream.

IV. Dream of the future

During the winter vacation in 2020, Annie returned to her home country. She was eager to teach her younger siblings Chinese and to tell her parents about what she had seen and heard in China. But a week later, Annie saw on the news that an outbreak of COVID-19 had broken out in China that was so dangerous that people didnt know how to cure it. Annie asked her dad,What should I do? Can I go back to China?Dad told her,You are independent to make your own decisions.Annie thought of her teachers and classmates in China and recalled the good memories she had in China. She couldnt run away from China like this; she made a decision to come back to China, and her father supported her decision.

When she came back, many of her foreign friends had left China, and they told her it was not safe now. However, China took quick measures to control the epidemic and safeguard peoples lives. In this epidemic prevention and control, Annie saw Chinas character, strength, and responsibility. She received the new crown vaccine in China, continued her studies, and received a first-class scholarship with excellent grades. She was so proud of herself.

In the summer of 2021, Annie revisited Beijing. She could not help but exclaim that the spirit of China is like the Great Wall that stretches for thousands of miles, where all people are united in their determination.

(Photos Taken in Beijing in 2021)

Now I would like to say that Annie, the little girl, is me. I believe that no matter how old you are, what your gender or nationality is, China, will welcome you to realize your dreams through hard work and relentless pursuit. Ten years ago, I was full of curiosity about China. Ten years later, I am full of confidence in China. I believe that my future and Chinas future will get better and better!
