姓名:Shakeel Akram
1. 2016/09-2020/09,蒙彼利埃大学,电子工程,博士,导师:Jerome Castellon
2. 2013/09-2016/06,(获得学位2018.02),西南交通大学,电气工程,博士,导师:Wu Guangning
3. 2010/09-2012/06,重庆大学,电气工程,硕士生,导师:Liao Ruijin & Lijun Yang
4. 2005/11-2010/06,巴哈丁扎卡里亚大学,本科,导师:Zafar Iqbal
1. 2022/11-至今,南京工业大学,电气工程与控制科学学院,教授
2. 2021/09-2022-09,四川大学,电气工程学院,副研究员
3. 2018/09-2021/09,四川大学,电气工程学院,博士后研究员
1.国家自然科学基金委员会,外国学者研究基金项目, 52250410350, Surface graded polyamide-imide composite varnishing to tailor surface charges and thermal transients for EV motors, 2023-01-01至2023-12-31, 20万元,在研,主持
2.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 51977134,高频脉冲对变频电机匝间绝缘起始放电及耐电晕寿命影响机制研究, 2020-01-01至2023-12-31, 60万元,在研,参与
1. Shakeel Akram; Xinting Liu; Peng Wang; Pengfei Meng; Jerome Castellon; Andrea Cavallini; Design of a Rectangular Wave High Voltage Generator for the Evaluation of Inverter-Fed Motor Insulation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 70(5): 4485-4493(一区Top期刊,影响因子:8.45)
2. S. Akram et al., "Prediction of Partial Discharge Inception Voltage for Electric Vehicle Motor Insulation Using Deep Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-10, 2023, Art no. 3514710, (一区Top期刊,影响因子:5.33)
3. Wang, Peng; Li, Peiyi; Akram, Shakeel; Meng, Pengfei; Zhu, Guangya; Montanari, Gian Carlo; Considering the Parameters of Pulse Width Modulation Voltage to Improve the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Partial Discharge Tests for Inverter-Fed Motors, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(5): 4545-4554 (一区Top期刊,影响因子:8.454)
4. Peng Wang, Shijin Ma, Shakeel Akram, Pengfei Meng, et al; Design of an Effective Antenna for Partial Discharge Detection in Insulation Systems of Inverter-fed Motors, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 13727-13735, Dec. 2022, (一区Top期刊,影响因子:8.45)
5. Shakeel Akram; Peng Wang; Pengfei Meng; Gian Carlo Montanari; Farhan Hameed Malik; Pulse width modulation voltage source deadtime effect on partial discharge and lifetime of inverter fed motor insulation, High voltage, 2022, 7(6): 1185-1193(一区期刊,影响因子:4.97)
6. Akram S.; Zhou K.; Meng P.; Castellon J.; Agnel S.; Wang P.; Nazir M.T.; Chen Y.; Hussain H.; Charge Transport and Trapping of Surface Modified Stator Coil Insulation of Motors, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2021, 28(2): 719-726 (一区期刊,影响因子:4.97)
7. Akram S.; Castellon J.; Kai Z.; Agnel S.; Habas J.-P.; Nazir M.T. ; Dielectric properties and modeling of multilayer polyimide nanocomposite to highlight the impact of nanoparticles dispersion, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2020, 27(4): 1238-1246 (一区期刊,影响因子:4.97)
8. Pengfei Meng; Jinliang He; Kai Zhou; Jun Hu; Shakeel Akram; Wei Gong; Yuan Li; Guangya Zhu; Method for Preparing Lightning Arrester for Deeply Limiting Operating Overvoltage of Ultra-high Voltage System, 2021-01-20,其他国家, 2020103553(专利)
9. Meng Pengfei, He Jinliang, Hu Jun, Zhou Kai, Shakeel Akram, Li Yuan, Gong Wei, Li Zerui, Lin Siyan;高通流zno压敏电阻专用新型侧面高阻层的制备,2021-8-26,Luxembourg,LU500585,(专利)
10. Meng Pengfei, He Jinliang, Hu Jun, Zhou Kai, Shakeel Akram, Li Yuan, Gong Wei, Li Zerui, Lin Siyan;一种特高压变电站雷电侵入过电压的限制方法,2021-8-26,Luxembourg,LU500585,(专利)
1. Outstanding Reviewer Award, IET High Voltage Journal, 2021 & 2022
2. 2016 Chinese Scholarship Council,Outstanding International Student Award, Chinese government Scholarship Council (CSC), Technological progress, International Academic Awards, 2016
3. Campus France Research Grant award for PhD, Campus France, 2016
1. Shakeel Akram, Jérôme Castellon, Serge Agnel, Jean-Pierre Habas, Zhou Kai, M. Tariq Nazir “Impact of Nanocomposite Thin Layer on Nanoparticles Dispersion and their Dielectric Properties” IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP) 2019, Washington, USA. (Oral presentation)
2. Shakeel Akram, Jérôme Castellon, Serge Agne, M. Zeeshan Khan; Space Charge Analysis of Multi-Structure Polyimide Films using TSM, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP) 2018, Cancun, Mexico. (Oral presentation)
3. S. Akram, G. Wu, G. Gao, Y. Liu; Effect of Surface Discharge on Nano Filled Polyimide Film under Square Voltage, 33rd IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference held on June 2015 Seattle, USA. (Poster presentation)
4. Xin Zhong, Akram Shakeel, Yan Yang, Guoqiang Gao, Guangning Wu; Preparation and Corona-Resistance Characteristics of Double-layer Polyimide/Al2O3 Nanocomposite Film, 2016 IEEE International Conference onHigh Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE),IEEE Xplore December 2016, Chengdu China.