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主讲课程:《灾难心理学》、《工程材料》和《建筑施工安全》。2017年获得南京工业大学材料学专业博士学位。长期从事高分子基安全功能材料表界面调控技术阻燃技术、降温技术抗老化技术等研究,主持国家自然青年科学基金项目(52204222)、国家博士后科学基金面上项目(2020M671463)、江苏省高等学校基础科学面上项目(22KJB620003高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室开放基金课题(2022CEM002)。研究工作已在Advanced Fiber MaterialsComposites Science and TechnologyApplied Surface SciencePolymer Degradation and Stability等相关领域期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文20篇,以第一发明人授权国家发明专利2获得2019年度中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖(排名第32018年度江苏省科学技术三等奖(排名第3)。入选2019年江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划“科技副总”,被评为2021年南京工业大学综合治理和安全生产先进个人









1.Chen Tingting, Jiang Guodong, Zhang Jun*. Isothermal crystallization behavior and crystal structure of poly(ethylene terephthalate-co-1,4-cyclohexylene dimethylene terephthalate) (P(ET/CT)) copolyesters.Crystal Research and Technology, 2014, 49: 232-243.

2.Chen Tingting, Jiang Guodong, Li Guoyu, Wu Zhipeng, Zhang Jun*. Poly (ethylene glycol-co-1, 4-cyclohexanedimethanol terephthalate) random copolymers: effect of copolymer composition and microstructure on the thermal properties and crystallization behavior.RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 60570-60580.

3.Chen Tingting, Zhang Weikai, Zhang Jun*. Alkali resistance of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and poly(ethylene glycol-co-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol terephthalate) (PETG) copolyesters: The role of composition.Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2015, 120: 232-243.

4.Chen Tingting, Zhang Jun*. Non-isothermal cold crystallization kinetics of poly(ethylene glycol-co-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol terephthalate) (PETG) copolyesters with different compositions.Polymer Testing, 2015, 48: 23-30.

5.Chen Tingting, Zhang Jun*. Surface hydrophilic modification of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene terpolymer by poly(ethylene glycol-co-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol terephthalate): Preparation, characterization, and properties studies.Applied Surface Science, 2016, 388: 133-140.

6.Chen Tingting, Zhang Jun*, You Hongjun. Photodegradation behavior and mechanism of poly(ethylene glycol-co-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol terephthalate) (PETG) random copolymers: correlation with copolymer composition.RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 102778.

7.Chen Tingting, Zhang Jun*. Compatibilization of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene terpolymer/poly(ethylene glycol-co-1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol terephthalate) blend: effect on morphology, interface, mechanical properties and hydrophilicity.Applied Surface Science, 2018, 437: 62-69.

8.Chen Zhongwei, Yu Yuan, Zhang Qingwu, Chen Zhiquan,Chen Tingting*, Jiang Juncheng. Preparation of phosphorylated chitosan coated carbon microspheres as flame retardant and its application in unsaturated polyester resin.Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2019, 30: 1933-1942.

9.Qi Yanli, Yang Zhangbin,Chen Tingting*, Xi Yulin, Zhang Jun*. Fabrication of superhydrophobic surface with desirable anti-icing performance based on micro/nano-structures and organosilane groups.Applied Surface Science, 2020, 501: 144165.

10.Yang Zhangbin, Zhou Zichen, Sun Haoxuan,Chen Tingting*, Zhang Jun*. Construction of a ternary channel efficient passive cooling composites with solar-reflective, thermoemissive, and thermoconductive properties.Composites Science and Technology, 2021, 207: 108743.

11.Guo Yong, Rong Hu, Chen Zhongwei,Chen Tingting*,Yu Yuan*, Zhang Xida, Chu Yanpeng, Zhang Qingwu, Li Changxin, Jiang Juncheng. A novel DOPO derivative containing multifunctional groups aiming to improve fire safety, thermal stability and curing state towards epoxy resin.Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2022, 205: 110142.

12.Guo Yong, Rong Hu, Yu Yuan*,Chen Tingting*,Chen Zhongwei, Suo Yifan, Zhang Qingwu, Li Changxin, Jiang Juncheng. A facile method for synthesis of novel phenyl phosphates flame retardants and their application in epoxy resin.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022, 139.44: e53100.

13.Chu Yanpeng, Chen Zhongwei, Yu Yuan*,Chen Tingting*,Chen Zhiquan, Zhang Qingwu, Li Changxin, Yang Haoming, Jiang Juncheng. Synthesis of a novel phosphorus-containing melamine cyanurate derivative to enhance the fire resistance and mechanical properties of epoxy resin.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 652: 129789.

14.Suo Yifan, Gao Wei, Chen Zhongwei, Yu Yuan*,Chen Tingting*,Li Changxin, Zhang Qingwu, Jiang Juncheng. Surface modification of cellulose nanocrystal and its applications in flame retardant epoxy resin.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022, e52617.

15.ZhangLing,Chen Tingting*,SuKeshun,ZhangJun*,ChaiRuidan.Fire behavior and transparent properties of polyvinyl chloride filmwith different plasticized systems.Journal of Polymer Research,2023, 30: 17.

16.ZhangLing,Chen Tingting*,XueHua, LiuXiongjun, ZhangJun*,ChaiRuidan.Simultaneously enhanced flame retardancy and smoke suppressionproperties of flexible polyvinyl chloride with the incorporation of modifiedMg(OH)2and Sb2O3.Materials Today Communications, 2023, 34: 105448.

17.YangZhangbin,Chen Tingting*,TangXinpeng,XuFeiyue,ZhangJun*.Hierarchical Fabric Emitter for Highly Efficient Passive Radiative HeatRelease.Advanced Fiber Materials, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42765-023-00271-x.

18.Rong Hu, Guo Yong,Chen Zhongwei,Chen Tingting*,Yu Yuan*,He Chunlei, Zhou Jing, Liu Xuliang, Zhang Qingwu, Bu Yajie,Jiang Juncheng.Synergistic effect of phenyl phosphoric acid derivatives and DOPO on multifunctional epoxy resin: Fire safety, mechanical properties, transparency and hydrophobicity.Polymer Degradation and Stability,2023, 216: 110471.

19.Yang Boran,Chen Zhongwei, Yu Yuan*,Chen Tingting*,Chu Yanpeng,Song Nannan, Zhang Qingwu, Liu Ziming, Liu Zihang, Jiang Juncheng.Construction of bimetallic metal-organic frameworks/graphitic carbon nitride hybrids as flame retardant for unsaturated polyester resin.Materials Today Chemistry, 2023, 30: 101482.

20.Zhang Xida, Wang Kai, Chen Zhongwei,Yu Yuan*,Chen Tingting*,Yang Boran, Rong Feng, Zhang Qingwu, Zhao Ziqi,Jiang Juncheng.Synthesis of a bio-based in-suit reinforcing flame retardant containing DOPO group and its application in EP.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2023, e54680.

21.Song Nannan, Chen Zhongwei,Yu Yuan*,Yang Boran,Guo Yong,Chu Yanpeng,Chen Tingting*,Bi Yuhang, Zhang Qingwu, Feng Chao,Jiang Juncheng.Electrolytic manganese residue to metal phosphides via ball milling: Enhancing flame retardancy, mechanical properties, and electrical conductivity of epoxy resin.Applied Surface Science, 2023,638: 158154.

22.Guo Yong, Yang Haoming, Rong Hu, Chen Zhongwei,Chen Tingting*,Yu Yuan*,He Chunlei, Zhou Jing,Zhang Qingwu, Bu Yajie,Jiang Juncheng.Hydrophobicity, transparency, mechanically excellent and fire safety multifunctional epoxy resin based on a novel DOPO derivative with cyano group.Progress in Organic Coatings, 2023, 185: 107897.

23.ZhangLing,Chen Tingting*,ZhangJun*.Enhanced flame retardancy and thermal stability of zinc borate and magnesium carbonate as a promising alternative for Sb2O3toward polyvinyl chloride.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2024, e54790.











