近年来,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目、江苏省高等学校自然科学面上项目、江苏省博士后科研资助项目、火灾科学国家重点实验室开放课题等科研项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目、重点项目以及科技部重点研发计划课题。目前,以第一/通讯作者在Fuel、Applied Thermal Engineering、International Journal of Thermal Sciences等国际期刊上发表SCI/EI论文十余篇,授权发明专利3项,担任Applied Thermal Engineering、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等期刊审稿人。
[1]Kun Zhao, Zhirong Wang*, Shichang Ma, Xiaoyu Ju, Pinkun Guo, Xingyan Cao. Experimental study on the diffusion burning and radiative heat delivery of two adjacent heptane pool fires, International Journal of Thermal Sciences (Accepted).
[2] Zhirong Wang,Kewei Jiang,Kun Zhao*,Pinkun Guo. Macroscopic characteristics and prediction model of horizontal extension length for syngas jet flame under inclined conditions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,44(44),23091-23099.
[3]Kun Zhao, Zhirong Wang*, Chi Ma, Xingyan Cao, Pinkun Guo, Wenjie Guo, Yawei Lu. Experimental study on the domino effect in explosions caused by vertically distributed methane/air vapor clouds, Fuel 290 (2021) 120014.
[4]Kun Zhao, Michael J. Gollner*, Qiong Liu, Junhui Gong, Lizhong Yang*, Lateral Flame Spread over PMMA Under Forced Air Flow, Fire Technology 56 (2020) 801-820.
[5] Fei Tang, Zunxin Zhao,Kun Zhao *, Experimental investigation on carriage fires hazards in the longitudinal ventilated tunnels: Assessment of the smoke stratification features, Safety Science 130 (2020) 104901.
[6]Kun Zhao, Lizhong Yang*, Wei Tang, Qiong Liu, Xiaoyu Ju, Junhui Gong*, Effect of orientation on the burning and flame characteristics of PMMA slabs under different pressure environments, Applied Thermal Engineering 156 (2019) 619-626.
[7]Kun Zhao, Xiaodong Zhou, Fei Peng, Xiaoyu Ju, Lizhong Yang*. Experimental Study on Flame Spread over Inclined PMMA and PE Slabs. Key Engineering Materials; 2018: Trans Tech Publ. p. 390-394.
[8]Kun Zhao, Xiaodong Zhou, Xueqiang Liu, Wei Tang, Michael J. Gollner, Fei Peng, Lizhong Yang*, Experimental and theoretical study on downward flame spread over uninhibited PMMA slabs under different pressure environments, Applied Thermal Engineering 136 (2018) 1-8.
[9]Kun Zhao, Xiaodong Zhou, Xueqiang Liu, Lei Lu, Zhibo Wu, Fei Peng, Xiaoyu Ju, Lizhong Yang*, Prediction of Three-Dimensional Downward Flame Spread Characteristics over Poly (methyl methacrylate) Slabs in Different Pressure Environments, Materials 9 (2016) 948.
[10]Kun Zhao, Xiaodong Zhou, Lizhong Yang*, Junhui Gong, Zhibo Wu, Zufei Huan, Xueqiang Liu, Width effects on downward flame spread over poly (methyl methacrylate) sheets, Journal of Fire Sciences 33 (2015) 69-84.