吴瑶,1987年5月生,博士、讲师、硕士生导师,主要从事混凝土及竹材断裂研究工作。2018年入选江苏省“双创博士”,担任国际材料与结构研究实验联合会(RILEM) TC TDK技术委员会秘书。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目多项,参与制定了《确定混凝土裂缝扩展双K断裂准则的实验方法》国际标准。一级注册结构工程师。参与完成“采用双K断裂理论分析丹江口大坝18坝段裂缝安全性”、“长江三峡三期大坝工程温控防裂的双K断裂理论研究”等项目。
2017/10 –至今,南京工业大学,土木工程学院,讲师;
项目名称、编号 |
项目来源 |
起止年月 |
负责内容 |
结构用胶合竹在不同纤维配置情况下的断裂性能研究(51808287) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2019.01-2021.12 |
主持 |
混凝土脆性特征的断裂力学分析及裂缝起裂机理研究(51378256) |
国家自然科学基金 |
2014.01-2017.12 |
骨干 |
[1]Y Wu, S Xu,Q Li*, R C Yu. Occurrence condition for steady crack propagation in quasi-brittle fracture and its application in determining initial fracture toughness.International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2023, 264.
[2]Y Wu, S Liu,ZLi*, J Xu,W Xu.Experimental investigation on translaminar fracture behavior of cross-laminated bamboo.Construction and Building Materials,2023, 393: 132112.
[3]J Zhang, J Xu*,Y Wu*, T Xie*, L Bo, Z Li. Life cycle assessment of steel-glued laminated bamboo (GluBam) hybrid truss in China.Energy Buildings, 2023, 294.
[4]Y Wu*,J Xu,Z Wan, S Liu. Investigation on fracture behavior of unidirectional bamboo laminate with self-tapping screws reinforcement.Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023, 19.
[5]Y Wu, Z Wan,ZLi*.Mode I fracture behavior of unidirectional bamboo laminate and its applications to the estimation of bamboo-steel-bamboo connections’ bearing capacities.Structures,2022, 45: 2226–2238.
[6]Y Wu, Z Wan,ZLi*.Determination and influential factors of fracture toughness in unidirectional laminated bamboo-composite using double cantilever beams and single-edge notched bend tests.Materials Today Communications,2022, 33.
[7]S Xu*,Q Li,Y Wu, L Dong, Y Lyu, H W Reinhardt, C K Y Leung, G Ruiz, S Kumar, S Hu. RILEM Standard: Testing methods for determination of the double-K criterion for crack propagation in concrete using wedge-splitting tests and three-point bending beam tests, Recommendation of RILEM TC 265-TDK.Materials and Structures, 2021, 54:220.
[8]S Xu*,Q Li,Y Wu, L Dong, Y Lyu, H W Reinhardt, C K Y Leung, G Ruiz, S Kumar, S Hu. Results of round-robin testing for determining the double-K fracture parameters for crack propagation in concrete: technical report of the RILEM TC265-TDK.Materials and Structures, 2021, 54:221.
[9]S Xu*, Q Li,Y Wu, L Dong, Y Lyu, H W Reinhardt, C K Y Leung, G Ruiz, S Kumar, S Hu.Influential factors for double-K fracture parameters analyzed by the round-robin tests of RILEM TC265-TDK.Materials and Structures, 2021, 54:227.
[10]S Xu*,Q Li,Y Wu, L Dong, Y Lyu, H W Reinhardt, C K Y Leung, G Ruiz, S Kumar, S Hu. The theoretical basis of testing methods to determine double-K criterion for crack propagation in concrete: Technical report of the RILEM TC265-TDK.Materials and Structures, 2021, 54:229.
[11]Y Wu, S Xu,Q Li*, G Ruiz, R C Yu. Estimation of real fracture parameters of a dam concrete with large size aggregates through wedge splitting tests of drilled cylindrical specimens.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2016,163: 23-36.
[12]S Xu, A M Malik, Q Li*,Y Wu. Determination of double-K fracture parameters using semi-circular bend test specimens.Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2016, 152:58-71.
[13]G Ruiz*, J J Ortega, R C Yu, S Xu,Y Wu. Effect of size and cohesive assumptions on the double-K fracture parameters of concrete.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2016, 166:198-217.
[14]吴瑶,徐世烺*,吴建营,吴德绪,颜天佑.双K断裂准则在丹江口大坝安全性评定中的应用.水利学报, 2015.46(3): 366-372.
[16]徐世烺*,吴瑶.用实用解析法计算混凝土基于裂缝粘聚力的新KR阻力曲线.工程力学, 2011.28(09):84-89.