

Prof. Dr. ZHOU Ding周叮


担任国际著名期刊Applied Mathematical Modelling编委。学术期刊发表论文300多篇,论文他引3400余次,SCI检索h-index=322003年入选世界名人录Who's Who,系Springer热应力大百科全书条目撰写人,54SCI期刊固定审稿人,与香港大学、英国曼切斯特大学、加拿大湖首大学和麦吉尔大学、美国霍华德大学、丹麦奥胡斯大学、澳大利亚国立大学和莫纳什大学、韩国延世大学、台湾大学等有科研合作关系。研究成果获国防科学技术三等奖(1999,5)、江苏省科学技术一等奖(20145)教育部科技进步二等奖(20164)、江苏省科学技术奖三等奖(20163)、中国公路学会科学技术奖二等奖(20165)、中国公路学会科学技术奖一等奖(201811)、江苏省复合材料科技进步一等奖(20164)。


1978/03 – 1982/07,清华大学,工程力学系固体力学专业,工学学士。

1982/07 – 1985/03,清华大学,工程力学系一般力学专业,工学硕士。

2002/01 – 2003/06,香港大学,土木工程系,哲学博士。


1974/07 – 1975/11江苏省阜宁县吴滩公社大沟大队,务农。

1975/11 – 1976/11江苏省阜宁县吴滩公社双港大队,工作队队员。

1976/11 – 1977/02江苏省阜宁县陈集中学,代课教师。

1977/02 – 1978/03江苏省阜宁县大刘农中,民办教师。

1985/03 – 1992/04华东工学院一系105教研室,讲师。

1992/04 – 1995/05南京理工大学机械学院105教研室,副教授。

1995/05 – 1999/11南京理工大学机械学院105教研室,教授。

1999/11 – 2006/04南京理工大学理学院力学与工程科学系,教授。



1996/06 – 2003/07香港大学土木工程系,副研究员、高级研究员。

2004/07 – 2006/07英国曼切斯特大学航空、机械与土木学院,博士后。

2011/06 – 2011/09香港大学土木工程系,客座教授。

2013/02 – 2013/05香港大学土木工程系,客座教授。









































1.Yu Wang, Yuxian Zhou, Chuang Feng, Jie Yang, Ding Zhou&Shuguang Wang, Numerical analysis on stability of functionally graded grapheme platelets (GPLs) reinforced dielectric composite plate, Applied Mathematical Modelling 101, 239-258, 2022.

2.Xun Meng, Ding Zhou&Jiadong Wang, Effect of vertical elastic baffle on liquid sloshing in rectangular rigid container, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 21(12), 2150167-1-23, 2021.

3.Zhong Zhang, Ding Zhou, Jiandong Zhang, Hai Fang&Huixuan Han, Transient analysis of layered beams subjected to steady heat supply and mechanical load, Steel and Composite Structures 40(1), 87-100, 2021.

4.Zhong Zhang, Ding Zhou, Hai Fang&Ruili Huo, Analysis of temperature-dependent layered shells subjected to thermomechanical loading, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, doi: 10.1080/15376494.2021.1941449, 2021.

5.Zhong Zhang, Ding Zhou, Hai Fang, Jiandong Zhang&Xuehong Li, Analysis of layered rectangular plates under thermo-mechanical loads considering temperature-dependent material properties, Applied Mathematical Modelling 92, 244-260, 2021.

6.Yu Wang, Chuang Feng, Jie Yang, Ding Zhou&Shuguang Wang, Nonlinear vibration of FG-GPLRC dielectric plate with active tuning using differential quadrature method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 379, 113761-1-24, 2021.

7.Huixuan Han, Ding Zhou, Tianjian Ji&Jiandong Zhang, Modelling of lateral forces generated by pedestrians walking across footbridges, Applied Mathematical Modelling 89, 1775-1791, 2021.

8.Ying Sun, Ding Zhou, Jiadong Wang&Huixuan Han, Lumped parameter model for liquid sloshing in a cylindrical tank equipped with multiple annular baffles, Journal of Structural Engineering 147(5), 04021042-1-13, 2021.

9.Xun Meng, Ding Zhou, Moon Kyum Kim&Yun Mook Lim, Free vibration and dynamic response analysis of liquid in a rectangular rigid container with an elastic baffle, Ocean Engineering 216, 108119-1-19, 2020.

10.Ying Sun, Ding Zhou, Jiadong Wang&Huixuan Han, Liquid sloshing in a cylindrical tank with multiple baffles under horizontal and pitching motions, International Journal of Applied Mechanics 12(7), 2050080-1-29, 2020.

11.Yu Wang, Chuang Feng, Jie Yang, Ding Zhou&Weiqing Liu, Static response of functionally graded graphene platelet-reinforced composite plate with dielectric property, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 31(19), 2211-2228, 2020.

12.Raad Hashim, Tianjian Ji, Parthasarathi Mandal, Qingwen Zhang&Ding Zhou, Human-structure interaction experiments to determine the dynamic properties of the standing human body in vertical vibration, Structures 26, 934-946, 2020.

13.Ruili Huo, Yichen Liu, Peng Wu, Hai Fang, Weiqing Liu&Ding Zhou, Elasticity solutions for sandwich arches considering permeation effect of adhesive, Advances in Polymer Technology, 7358930-1-11, 2020.

14.Hai Qian,Ding Zhou,Jie Yin&Yuexiang Qiu,A theoretical investigation on the thermal response of laminated cylindrical panel,Archive of Applied Mechanics 90(3), 475-493, 2020.

15.Ying Sun,Ding Zhou,Marco Amabili, Jiadong Wang&Huixuan Han,Liquid sloshing in a rigid cylindrical tank equipped with a rigid annular baffle and on soil foundation,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 20(3),2050030-1-34, 2020.

16.Zhong Zhang,Ding Zhou,Xiuli Xu&Xuehong Li,Analysis of thick beams with temperature-dependent material properties under thermomechanical loads,Advances in Structural Engineering 23(9), 1838-1850, 2020.

17.Zhong Zhang, Ding Zhou, Hai Fang, Jiandong Zhang & Xuehong Li,Analysis of laminated beams with temperature-dependent material properties subjected to thermal and mechanical loads, Composite Structures 227, 11304, 2019.

18.Hai Qian,Sai-Huen Lo,Ding Zhou&Yang Yang,3-D Thermo-Stress Field in Laminated Cylindrical Shells,Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 121(1), 215-247, 2019.

19.Xun Meng,Xuehong Li,Xiuli Xu, Jiandong Zhang, Wenling Zhou &Ding Zhou,Earthquake Response of Cylindrical Storage Tanks on an Elastic Soil,Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies7(5), 433-444, 2019.

20.Zhong Zhang, Ding Zhou, Xiuli Xu & Xuehong Li, Stresses of orthotropic laminated beams subjected to high temperature and mechanical load,Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters 9(5), 279-284, 2019.

21.L. Ying, X. Meng, D. Zhou, X. Xu, J. Zhang & X. Li,Sloshing of fluid in a baffled rectangular aqueduct considering soil-structureinteraction,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 122, 132-147, 2019.

22.Y. Sun, D. Zhou & J. Wang,An equivalent mechanical model for fluid sloshing in a rigid cylindrical tank equipped with a rigid annular baffle, Applied Mathematical modelling 72, 569-587, 2019.

23.Ding Zhou,Jianshi Fan,Hongwei Wang&Xiaopeng Zhang,Three-Dimensional Dynamics Analysis of Rotating Functionally Gradient Beams Based on Timoshenko Beam Theory, International Journal of Applied Mechanics 11(4),1950040,2019.

24.Jue Wang,Ding Zhou,Yuquan Zhang&Wei Cai,Vertical impedance of a tapered pile in inhomogeneous saturated soil described by fractional viscoelastic model,Applied Mathematical Modelling 75, 88-100, 2019.

25.Z.Y. Pei, L. Wang, P. Wu, J.D. Zhang & D. Zhou,Analytical solution of deformations for two-layer Timoshenko beams glued by a viscoelastic interlayer, Mathematical Problems in Engineering,7620816-1-15, 2019.

26.J.D.Wang,S.H.Lo,D.Zhou &Y.Dong,Nonlinear sloshing of liquid in a rigid cylindrical container with a rigid annular baffle under lateral excitation,Shock and Vibration, 5398038, 2019.

27.Z. Zhang, W.L. Zhou, D. Zhou, R.L. Huo & X.L. Xu,Elasticity solution of laminated beams with temperature-dependent material properties under a combination of uniform thermo-load and mechanical loads, Journal of South Central University 25(10), 2537-2549, 2018.

28.Jiadong Wang & Ding Zhou, Coupled responses of partially liquid-filled container with multi elastic annular baffles under lateral excitations, ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering31(6), 04018102,2018.

29.Jue Wang & Ding Zhou,A simple model for vertical dynamic interactions among a group of strip footings rested on homogeneous half-space, Shock and Vibration, 7382392, 2018.

30.Q. Liu, D.Zhou, J.Wang & W.Liu,Mechanical behavior of FRP confined steel tubular columns under impact load,Steel and Composite Structures 27: 691-702, 2018.

31.Peng Wu, Ding Zhou, Weiqing Liu & Hai Fang, Time-dependent behavior of layered arches with viscoelastic interlayers,Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 22(3), 315-330, 2018.

32.Jianshi Fang, Ding Zhou & Yun Dong, Three-dimensional vibration of rotatingfunctionally graded beams, Journal of Vibration and Control 24(15), 3292-3306, 2018.

33.Ruili, Huo,Weiqing Liu, Peng Wu & Ding Zhou, Analytical solutions for sandwich plates considering permeation effect by 3-D elasticity theory, Steel and Composite Structures 25, 127-139, 2017.

34.Peng Wu, Ding Zhou, Weiqing Liu, Weidong Lu & Li Wan, Three-dimensional elasticity solution of layered plates with viscoelastic interlayers,Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 21(3), 307-329, 2017.

35.Huixuan Han, Ding Zhou & Tianjian Ji,Mechanical Parameters of standing body and applications in human-structure interaction, International Journalof Applied Mechanics 9(2), 1750021, 2017.

36.Ying Sun&Ding Zhou, Natural frequency of bridge pier considering soil shear effect in layer foundation,International Journal of Engineering and Technology 9, 474-479, 2017.

37.Ze-jun Liu,Yong Huang,Ding Zhou&Hong Ge, Analysis of external water pressure for a tunnel in fractured rocks, Geofluids2017, 8618613, 2017.

38.Hai Qian, Ding Zhou, Weiqing Liu, Weidong Lu & Hai Fang,Thermal stresses in layered thick cylindrical shells of infinite length, Journal of Thermal Stresses 40(3), 322-343, 2017.

39.Peng Wu, Ding Zhou, Weiqing Liu, Weidong Lu & Hai Fang, 3-D exact solution of two-layer plate bonded by a viscoelastic interlayer with memory effect, Composite Structures 164, 291-303, 2017.

40.J. Wang, D. Zhou, T. Ji & S. G. Wang,Horizontaldynamicstiffness andinteractionfactors ofinclinedpiles,ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics 17(9), 04017075, 2017.

41.J.S. Fang & D. Zhou,Free vibration analysis of rotating Mindlin plates with variable thickness,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics17, 1750046, 2017.

42.J.S. Fang & D. Zhou,In-plane vibration analysis of rotating tapered Timoshenko beams, International Journal of Applied Mechanics8, 1650064,2016.

43.Peng Wu, Ding Zhou, Weiqing Liu, Li Wan & Duo Liu,Elasticity solution of two-layer beam with a viscoelastic interlayer considering memory effect, International Journal of Solids and Structures 94-95, 76-86, 2016.

44.J. Wang, D. Zhou, W.Q. Liu & S.G. Wang,Nested lumped-parameter model for foundation with strongly frequency-dependent impedance,Journal of Earthquake Engineering20, 975-991, 2016.

45.J.D. Wang, D. Zhou & W.Q. Liu,Coupled response of liquid in a rigid cylindrical container equipped with an elastic annular baffle, Meccanica51, 2045-2058, 2016.

46.P. Wu, D. Zhou & W.Q. Liu,2-D elasticity solutions of two-layer composite beams with an arbitrarily shaped interface,Applied Mathematical Modelling40, 1477-1493, 2016.

47.P. Wu, D. Zhou & W.Q. Liu,2-D elasticity solution of layered composite beams with viscoelastic interlayers, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials20, 65-84,2016.

48.D. Zhou,H. Han, T. Ji, X. Xu,Comparison of two models for human-structure interaction,Applied Mathematical Modelling 40, 3738-3748, 2016.

49.J.S. Fang & D. Zhou, Free vibration analysis of rotating axially functionally graded taperedTimoshenko beams,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics16, 1550007 (19pages), 2016.

50.Xiuli Xu, Xiang Xu, Weiqing Liu & Ding Zhou,A New Formula of Impact Stiffness in Linear Viscoelastic Model for Pounding Simulation, Shock and Vibration, 2016 (2016), Article ID 5861739, 7 pages.

51.J. Wang, H. GangaRao, R. Liang, D. Zhou, W. Liu & Y. Fang, Durability of glass fiber-reinforced polymer composites under the combined effects of moisture and sustained loads, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites34, 1739-1754, 2015.

52.D. Zhou & S.H. Lo,3-D free vibration analysis of doubly-curved shells,Journal of Vibration and Control21, 2306-2324, 2015.

53.H. Qian, D. Zhou, W.Q. Liu & H. Fang, Elasticity Solution of laminated beams subjected to thermo-loads, Journal of Central South University 22, 2297-2305, 2015.

54.J. Fang & D. Zhou,Free vibration analysis of rotating axiallyfunctionally graded-tapered beams usingChebyshevRitz method,Materials Research Innovations19, S5-1255-S5-1262, 2015.

55.H. Qian, D. Zhou, W.Q. Liu, H. Fang & W.D. Lu, Elasticity solutions of simply supported laminated cylindrical arches subjected to thermo-loads,Composite Structures 131, 273-281,2015.

56.J. Wang, S.H. Lo & D. Zhou,Frequency-dependentimpedance of astripfoundationgroup and itsrepresentation intimedomain,Applied Mathematical Modelling39, 2861-2881, 2015.

57.H. Qian, D. Zhou, W.Q. Liu, H. Fang& W.D. Lu,3-D elasticity solutions of layered rectangular plates subjected to thermo-loads,Journal of Thermal Stresses38, 377-398, 2015.

58.F. Zhang, W. Liu, L.Wang, Y. Qi, D. Zhou & H. Fang,Flexural behavior of hybrid composite beams with a bamboo layer and lattice ribs,Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 34, 521-533, 2015.

59.D. Zhou, J.D. Wang & W.Q. Liu,Nonlinearfreesloshing ofliquid inrigidcylindricalcontainer with arigidannularbaffle,Nonlinear Dynamics 78,2557-2576, 2014.

60.J. Wang, W. Liu & D. Zhou,Mechanical behaviour of CFDST stub columns confined by FRP under axial compression, Steel and Composite Structures 17, 431-452, 2014.

61.J. Wang, S.H. Lo & D. Zhou,Effect of a forced harmonic vibration pile to its adjacent pile in layered elastic soil with double shear model,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 67,54-65, 2014.

62.J. Wang, D. Zhou & W.Q. Liu,Horizontal impedance of pile groupsconsidering shear behavior of multilayered soils,Soils and Foundations 54,927-937, 2014.

63.Y.P. Xu, T. Yu & D. Zhou,Two-dimensional elasticity solution for bending of functionally graded beams with variable thickness,Meccanica49,2479-2489, 2014.

64.Zhibin Ling, Huifeng Yang, Weiqing Liu, Weidong Lu, Ding Zhou & Lu Wang,Pull-out strength and bond behaviour of axially loaded rebar glued-in glulam, Construction & Building Materials 65, 440-449, 2014.

65.H. Qian, D. Zhou, W.Q. Liu & H. Fang,3-D elasticity solutions of simply supported laminated rectangular plates in uniform temperature field,Journal of Thermal Stresses 37,661-677, 2014.

66.J.D. Wang, S.H. Lo & D. Zhou,Sloshing of liquid in rigid cylindrical container with multiple rigid annular baffles: Lateral excitations,Journal of Fluids and Structures 42, 421-436, 2013.

67.D. Zhou & S.H. Lo,Three-dimensionalvibration analysis of twisted cylinder with sectorial cross-section,ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics80,021016-1-021016-10,2013.

68.T. Ji, D. Zhou & Q. Zhang,Models of a standing humanbody in vertical vibration,Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings 166, 367-378, 2013.

69.H. Wang, W. Liu, D. Zhou, S. Wang & D. Du,Lumped-parameter model of foundations based on complex Chebyshev polynomial fraction, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 50, 192-203, 2013.

70.D. Zhou & O.G. McGee,On the three-dimensional vibrations of elastic prisms with skew cross-section,Meccanica 48, 993-1016, 2013.

71.J.D. Wang, D. Zhou & W.Q. Liu,Study on coupled vibration characteristics of a cylindrical tank with multiple flexible annual baffles,Science inChina(Technological Sciences)55, 3292-3301, 2012.

72.J.D. Wang, D. Zhou & W.Q. Liu,Sloshing of liquid in rigid cylindrical container with a rigid annular baffle. Part I: free vibration,Shock and Vibration 19, 1185-1203, 2012.

73.J.D. Wang, D. Zhou & W.Q. Liu,Sloshing of liquid in rigid cylindrical container with a rigid annular baffle. Part II: lateral excitation, Shock and Vibration 19, 1205-1222, 2012.

74.J.D. Wang, S.H. Lo & D. Zhou,Liquid sloshing in rigid cylindrical container with multiple rigid annular baffles: free vibration,Journal of Fluids and Structures 34, 138-156, 2012.

75.Y. Xu & D. Zhou,Two-dimensional thermoelastic analysis of beams with variable thickness subjected to thermomechanicalloads,Applied Mathematical Modelling 36, 5818-5829, 2012.

76.D. Zhou & S.H. Lo,Three-dimensional vibrations of annular thick plates with linearly varying thickness,Archive of Applied Mechanics 82, 111-135, 2012.

77.D. Zhou & T. Ji,Free vibration of rectangular plates with attached discrete sprung masses,Shock & Vibration 19,101-112, 2012.

78.D. Zhou, T. Ji & W. Liu,Dynamic characteristics of a standing human on a SDOF structure,Advances in Vibration Engineering 11, 85-98, 2012.

79.Jue Wang, DingZhou, Weiqing Liu & Shuguang Wang,Rocking response of a surface-supported strip foundation under a harmonic swaying force, Applied Mechanics and Materials 226-228, 1453-1457, 2012.

80.H. Qian, D.Zhou & W. Liu, Temperature field in simply supported laminated beam,Advanced Materials Research 430-432, 181-184, 2012.

81.Xu Xiang, Liu Weiqing, Xu Xiuli, Zhou Ding, Li Xuehong & Li Zhijun, Parameter effect of side retainers on seismic response of bridges with flexible rubber bearings, Advanced Materials Research 255-260, 1280-1284, 2011.

82.D. Xu, W. Liu , D. Zhou, J. Ding, Y. Lei & W. Lu, The study on mechanical properties of single-bolted steel-glulam-steel joints, Advanced Materials Research 255-260, 204-208, 2011.

83.Z. Sun, W. Liu, S. Wang, D. Zhou & D. Du, A direct displacement-based design method based on Chinese code of base isolated structures, Advanced Materials Research 255-260, 2555-2559, 2011.

84.J. Wang, D. Zhou & W. Liu, Response of liquid in cylindrical tank with rigid annual baffle considering damping effect, Advanced Materials Research 255-260, 3687-3691, 2011.

85.H. Wang, W. Liu, S. Wang, D. Du & D. Zhou, Study on lumped-parameter model of surface circular foundation, Advanced Materials Research 261-263, 980-984, 2011.

86.Y. Xu & D. Zhou,Two-dimensional analysis of simply supported piezoelectric beams with variable thickness,Applied Mathematical Modelling35, 4458-4472, 2011.

87.D. Zhou, W.Q. Liu & O.G. McGee,On the three-dimensional vibrations of a hollow elastic torus of annular cross-section,Archive of Applied Mechanics 81, 473-487, 2011.

88.D. Zhou,Y.K. Cheung & S.H. Lo,Three-dimensionalvibration analysisof toroidal sectors with solid cross-section,ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 77, 555-562, 2010.

89.Y. Xu, D. Zhou & K. Liu,Three-dimensional thermoelastic analysis of rectangular plates with variable thickness subjected to thermo-mechanical loads,Journal of Thermal Stresses 33, 1136-1155, 2010.

90.D. Zhou,Y.K. Cheung & S.H. Lo,3-D vibration analysis of circular rings with sectorial cross-sections,Journal of Sound and Vibration 329, 1523-1535, 2010.

91.D. Zhou,Y.K. Cheung, S.H. Lo & F.T.K. Au,Three-dimensional vibration analysis of prisms with isosceles triangular cross-section,Archive of Applied Mechanics 80, 699-710,2010.

92.Y.P. Xu & D. Zhou,Three-dimensional elasticity solution of transverselyisotropic rectangular plates with variable thickness,Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-B 34, 353-369, 2010.

93.D. Zhou, S.H. Lo & Y.K. Cheung, 3-D vibration analysis of annular sector plates using the Chebyshev–Ritz method, Journal of Sound and Vibration 320, 421-437, 2009.

94.Y.P. Xu & D. Zhou, Three-dimensional elasticity solution of functionally graded rectangular plates with variable thickness, Composite Structures 91, 56-65, 2009.

95.Y.P. Xu & D. Zhou, Three-dimensional elasticity solution of simply supported functionally graded rectangular plates with internal elastic line supports, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 44, 249-261, 2009.

96.Y.P. Xu & D. Zhou, Elasticity solution of multi-span beams with variable thickness under static loads, Applied Mathematical Modelling 33, 2951-2966, 2009.

97.Y. P. Xu & D. Zhou, Three-dimensional elasticity solution of simple-supported rectangular plate on point supports, line supports and elastic foundation,Science inChina(series E) 52, 584-589, 2009.

98.D. Zhou, W.Q. Liu & Q.L. Yang, Three-dimensional vibration analysis of cantilevered skew plates, Journal of Sound and Vibration 313, 134-148, 2008.

99.Y.P. Xu & D. Zhou, Three-dimensional elasticity solution for simply supported rectangular plates with variable thickness, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 43, 165-176, 2008.

100.Y. P. Xu, D. Zhou & Y.K. Cheung,Elasticity solution of clamped-simply supported beams with variable thickness, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 29, 279-290, 2008.

101.D. Zhou & T. Ji, Dynamic characteristics of a generalised suspension system, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 50, 30-42, 2008.

102.D. Zhou & W.Q. Liu, Hydroelastic vibrations of flexible rectangular tanks partially filled with liquid, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 71, 149-174, 2007.

103.D. Zhou & W.Q. Liu, Bending-torsion vibration of a partially submerged cylinder with an arbitrary cross-section, Applied Mathematical Modelling 31, 2249-2265, 2007.

104.D. Zhou & T. Ji, Estimation of dynamic characteristics of a spring-mass-beam system, Shock and Vibration 14, 271-282, 2007.

105.D. Zhou, F.T.K. Au, Y.K. Cheung & S.H. Lo,Effect of built-in edges on 3-D vibrational characteristics of thick circular plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures 43, 1960-1978, 2006.

106.D. Zhou & T. Ji,Dynamic characteristics of a beam and distributed-spring-mass system, International Journal of Solids and Structures 43, 5555-5569, 2006.

107.D. Zhou, S.H. Lo, F.T.K. Au & Y.K. Cheung,Three-dimensional free vibration of thick circular plates on Pasternak foundation, Journal of Sound and Vibration 292, 726-741, 2006.

108.D. Zhou & T. Ji,Free vibration of rectangular plates with internal column supports, Journal of Sound and Vibration 297, 146-166, 2006.

109.D. Zhou, S.H. Lo, F.T.K. Au, Y.K. Cheung & W.Q. Liu, 3-D vibration analysis of skew thick plates using Chebyshev-Ritz method, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 48, 1481-1493, 2006.

110.D. Zhou & T. Ji, Free vibration of rectangular plates with continuously distributed spring-mass, International Journal of Solids and Structures 43, 6502-6520, 2006.

111.D. Zhou & T. Ji, Hydroelastic vibration of circular bottom plate of a sealed circular cylindrical tank, Advances in Vibration Engineering 4, 297-314, 2005.

112.D. Zhou, Y.K. Cheung, S.H. Lo & F.T.K. Au, 3D vibration analysis of rectangular plates with mixed boundary conditions, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 72, 227-236, 2005.

113.D. Zhou, Y.K. Cheung, S.H. Lo & F.T.K. Au, Three-dimensional vibration analysis of rectangular thick plates on Pasternak foundation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 59, 1313-1334, 2004.

114.D. Zhou, S.H. Lo, Y.K. Cheung & F.T.K. Au, 3-D vibration analysis of generalized supper elliptical plates using Chebyshev-Ritz method, International Journal of Solids and Structures 41, 4697-4712, 2004.

115.D. Zhou, F.T.K. Au, Y.K. Cheung & S.H. Lo, Three-dimensional vibration analysis of circular and annular plates via the Chebyshev–Ritz method, International Journal of Solids and Structures 40, 3089-3105, 2003.

116.D. Zhou, Y.K. Cheung, S.H. Lo & F.T.K. Au, 3-D vibration analysis of solid and hollow circular cylinders via Chebyshev-Ritz method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 192, 1575-1589, 2003.

117.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, Vibrations of tapered Mindlin plates in terms of static Timoshenko beam functions, Journal of Sound and Vibration 260, 693-709, 2003.

118.D. Zhou, Vibrations of point-supported rectangular plates with variable thickness using a set of static tapered beam functions, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 44, 149-164, 2002.

119.D. Zhou, F.T.K. Au, S.H. Lo & Y.K. Cheung, Three-dimensional vibration analysis of a torus with circular cross-section, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112, 2831-2840, 2002.

120.D. Zhou, Y.K. Cheung, F.T.K. Au & S.H. Lo, Three-dimensional vibration analysis of thick rectangular plates using Chebyshev polynomial and Ritz method, International Journal of Solids and Structures 39, 6339-6353, 2002.

121.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, Three-dimensional vibration analysis of cantilevered and completely free isosceles triangular plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures 39, 673-687, 2002.

122.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, Hydroelastic vibration of a circular container bottom plate using the Galerkin method, Journal of Fluids and Structures 16, 561-580, 2002.

123.D. Zhou, S.H. Lo, F.T.K. Au & Y.K. Cheung, Vibration analysis of rectangular Mindlin plates with internal line supports using static Timoshenko beam functions, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 44, 2503-2522, 2002.

124.D. Zhou, Discussion on “Free vibrations of beams with general boundary conditions”, Journal of Sound and Vibration 257, 589-592, 2002.

125.D. Zhou, Vibrations of Mindlin rectangular plates with elastically restrained edges using static Timoshenko beam functions with the Rayleigh-Ritz method, International Journal of Solids and Structures 38, 5565-5580, 2001.

126.D. Zhou, Free vibration of multi-span Timoshenko beams using static Timoshenko beam functions, Journal of Sound and Vibration 241, 725-734, 2001.

127.D. Zhou & Y.K. Cheung, Vibrations of tapered Timoshenko beams in terms of static Timoshenko beam functions, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics 68, 596-602, 2001.

128.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, Free vibrations of rectangular unsymmetrically laminated composite plates with internal line-supports, Computers and Structures 79, 1923-1932, 2001.

129.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, Vibration analysis of symmetrically laminated rectangular plates with intermediate line-supports, Computers and Structures 79, 33-41, 2001.

130.D. Zhou & Y.K. Cheung, Vibrations of elastic bottom plate of a sealed rectangular container fully filled with liquid, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 1, 145-162, 2001.

131.D. Zhou & Y.K. Cheung, Vibration of vertical rectangular plates in contact with water on one side, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 29, 693-710, 2000.

132.D. Zhou, Y.K. Cheung & J. Kong, Free vibration of thick, layered rectangular plates with point supports by finite layer method, International Journal of Solids and Structures 37, 1483-1499, 2000.

133.D. Zhou & Y.K. Cheung, The free vibration of a type of tapered beams, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 188, 203-216, 2000.

134.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, Vibrations of moderately thick rectangular plates in terms of a set of static Timoshenko beam functions, Computers and Structures 78, 757-768, 2000.

135.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, Coupled vibratory characteristics of a rectangular container bottom plate, Journal of Fluids and Structures 14, 339-357, 2000.

136.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, Vibrations of rectangular plates with elastic intermediate line-supports and edge constraints, Thin-walled Structures 37, 305-331, 2000.

137.Y.K. Cheung & D Zhou, Eigenfrequencies of tapered rectangular plates with intermediate line supports, International Journal of Solids and Structures 36, 143-166, 1999.

138.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, The free vibrations of rectangular composite plates with point-supports using static beam functions, Composite Structures 44, 145-154, 1999.

139.D. Zhou & Y.K. Cheung, The free vibration of line supported rectangular plates using a set of static beam functions, Journal of Sound and Vibration 223, 231-245, 1999.

140.Y.K. Cheung & D. Zhou, Free vibrations of tapered rectangular plates using a new set of beam functions in Rayleigh-Ritz method, Journal of Sound and Vibration 223, 703-722, 1999.

141.Zhou Ding & Y.K. Cheung, Eigenfrequencies of tapered beams with intermediate point supports, International Journal of Space Structures 13, 87-95, 1998.

142.Zhou Ding, The vibrations of a cantilever beam carrying a heavy tip mass with elastic supports, Journal of Sound and Vibration 206, 275-279, 1997.

143.Zhou Ding,Natural frequencies of rectangular plates using a set of static beam functions in Rayleigh-Ritz method – Reply,Journal of Sound and Vibration 200, 541-542, 1997.

144.Zhou Ding, Natural frequencies of rectangular plates using a set of static beam functions in the Rayleigh-Ritz method, Journal of Sound and Vibration 189, 81-87, 1996.

145.Zhou Ding, An exact method of bending of elastic thin plates with arbitrary shape, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 17, 1189-1192, 1996.

146.Zhou Ding, An analytical solution of transverse vibration of rectangular plates simply supported at two opposite edges with arbitrary number of elastic line supports in one way, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 17, 773-780, 1996.

147.Zhou Ding, An approximate solution of eigen-frequencies of transverse vibration of rectangular plates with elastical restraints, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 17, 451-456, 1996.

148.Zhou Ding, Natural frequencies of elastically restrained rectangular plates using a set of static beam functions in the Rayleigh-Ritz method, Computers and Structures 57, 731-735, 1995.

149.Zhou Ding, Eigenfrequencies of line supported rectangular plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures 31, 347-358, 1994.

150.Zhou Ding, Torsional vibration of uniform columns with arbitrarily shaped cross-section partially submerged in water, Computers and Structures 53, 35-41, 1994.

151.Zhou Ding, Free vibration of arbitrarily shaped plates with elastic or/and rigid concentric ring supports, Computers and Structures 50, 685-692, 1994.

152.Zhou Ding, The application of a type of new admissible functions to the vibration of rectangular plates, Computers and Structures 52, 199-203, 1994.

153.Zhou Ding, Free bending vibration of annular cylindrical tank partially filled with liquid in the consideration of surface wave, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15, 831-840, 1994.

154.Zhou Ding, A general solution to vibrations of beams on variable Winkler elastic foundation, Computers and Structures 47, 83-90, 1993.

155.Zhou Ding, Vibration of uniform columns with arbitrarily shaped cross-sections partially submerged in water considering the effect of surface wave and compressibility of water, Computers and Structures 46, 1049-1054, 1993.

156.Zhou Ding, An approximate solution with high accuracy of transverse bending of thin rectangular plates under arbitrarily distributed loads, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 14, 241-246, 1993.

157.Zhou Ding, Vibration of an arbitrarily shaped membrane carrying elastically mounted masses, Computers and Structures 42, 389-394, 1992.

158.Zhou Ding, The free bending vibration of cylindrical tank partially filled with liquid and submerged in water, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 11, 469-478, 1990.

159.Zhou Ding, Vibration of arbitrarily shaped membranes with elastical supports at points, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 10, 1171-1177, 1989.

160.Zhou Ding, Transverse vibration of rectangular plates elastically supported at points on edges, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 10, 979-987, 1989.




























27.韩慧璇,周叮,静立人群与板联合系统动力学特性研究,振动与冲击,35 (13)186-193, 2016
























51.王 珏,周 叮,刘伟庆,王曙光,杜东升,考虑成层土剪切效应的相邻桩基动力相互作用,振动工程学报,265),732-7422013

52.岳 孔,毛旭冉,周叮,陆伟东,胶合木构件的传湿性能,南京工业大学学报(自然科学版)354),97-1002013

53.王 珏,周 叮,刘伟庆,王曙光,杜东升,层状地基中考虑土体剪切效应的单桩振动阻抗分析,南京工业大学学报(自然科学版)355),1-82013







60.朱波,周叮,刘伟庆,含脱层层合简支梁的屈曲模态,上海交通大学学报,4510),1460-1464, 2011



















79.余春华,董晓云,周叮,用Fourier边界展开的方法研究具有曲线边界的厚板的自由振动,振动与冲击,24(2), 99-105, 2005

80.王兴久,周叮,枪身弹性对机枪动力特性的影响,南京理工大学学报,25(6), 594-597, 2001

81.周叮,谢玉树,弹性枪架的等效质量,南京理工大学学报,24(7), 52-56, 2000

82.周叮,谢玉树,弹丸膛内运动引起炮管振动的小参数解法,振动与冲击,18(1), 76-81, 1999

83.李士才,周叮,枪械图形库的管理和装配图的生成,南京理工大学学报,23(1), 65-68, 1999


85.李士才,周叮,逐点驱动的参数化方法,兵工学报,18(3), 248-251, 1997

86.周叮,非均质变截面折线形梁面内振动的传递矩阵解法,强度与环境,(4), 30-36, 1997

87.周叮,陈效华,计算结构物理参量的体素法,南京理工大学学报,21(6), 493-497, 1997

88.周叮,板内附着任意个弹性质量的两对边简支矩形板的横向振动,强度与环境,(2),38-45, 1997

89.周叮,多自由度振动系统的快速控制,力学与实践,18(1), 29-31, 1996

90.周叮,一类变截面梁横向自由振动的精确解析解,振动与冲击,15(3), 12-15, 1996

91.周叮,点载静力梁函数在求解矩形薄板自振特性中的应用,振动与冲击,15(1), 77-82, 1996

92.周叮,杜新华,弹性枪架的等效刚度,南京理工大学学报,20(6), 525-538, 1996

93.周叮,边缘转动受弹性限制矩形板横向振动固有频率的一个近似解法,应用数学和力学,17(5), 433-438, 1996

94.周叮,两对边简支中间有任意多个单向弹性线支矩形板横向振动的一个解析解法,应用数学和力学,17(8), 729-734, 1996

95.周叮,任意形状弹性薄板弯曲的解析解,应用数学和力学,17(12), 1123-1127, 1996

96.周叮,截面任意形状的柱形和环形容器内液体晃动特性的精确解法,工程力学,12(2), 58-64, 1995

97.周叮,粘弹性线支矩形板横向振动特性的一个精确解析解法,应用力学学报,12(3), 111-115, 1995

98.周叮,计及液面波动和液体可压缩性时部分潜入水中椭圆柱体的扭转振动,数学的实践与认识,(1), 1-8,1995

99.周叮,环支圆板横振特性的一个新的解析解法,南京理工大学学报,19(3), 214-218,1995




103.周叮,非均匀弹性地基上梁横向振动的渐近解法,强度与环境,(1)8-12, 1994

104.周叮,计及液面波动和液体压缩性时一侧受液作用悬臂梁的横振分析,应用力学学报,11(2), 106-111,1994

105.周叮,失重环境下圆环形容器内旋转液体的液面形状分析,强度与环境, (4), 40-44, 1994

106.周叮,任意载荷作用下矩形弹性簿板横向弯曲的一个高精度近似解,应用数学和力学,14(3), 225-230, 1993

107.周叮,旋转轴对称容器内液体晃动问题的边界配点解,计算物理,10(2), 251-256, 1993

108.周叮,两对边简支另两对边任意支承的板内有任意多个点支矩形板横向振动的精确解析解,振动与冲击,12(1), 25-32, 1993

109.周叮,受任意个同心环支圆板横振特性的传递距阵法,强度与环境,(2),23-30, 1993

110.周叮,连续矩形板横向振动固有特性的计算,工程力学,9(3), 124-130, 1992

111.周叮,瑞雷优化迭代法,力学与实践,14(3), 48-50, 1992

112.周叮,一类新的广义梁函数在多跨梁及板结构振动分析中的应用,力学与实践,14(4), 51-54, 1992


114.周叮,最小二乘的一个改进算法,力学与实践,14(6), 34-36, 1992

115.周叮,两对边简支加筋矩形板横向自由振动的动刚度解法,强度与环境,(1), 35-40, 1992

116.周叮,两对边简支另两对边复杂支承矩形板的横向振动问题,强度与环境,(3), 16-22, 1992

117.周叮,弹性枪架机枪的振动分析,力学与实践,14(1), 47-50, 1992

118.周叮,任意跨弹性支承直梁横向自振的一个新解法,工程力学,8(4), 111-125, 1991

119.周叮,悬臂梁一侧部分受液体作用的自振特性,振动工程学报,4(4), 78-82, 1991

120.周叮,非均质变截面折线形梁的面外振动的传递矩阵法,上海力学,12(2), 69-76, 1991

121.周叮,计及液面晃动和液体可压缩影响时部分潜入水中的截面任意形状柱体的振动分析,振动与冲击,(1), 35-41, 1991


123.周叮,部分潜入水中任意形状等截面柱体的振动分析,计算物理,8(3), 264-270, 1991

124.周叮,非均匀地基上非均质变截面圆拱梁结构面内振动的传递矩阵解法,强度与环境,(3),10-17, 1991

125.周叮,变截面弹性直杆横向振动固有频率的一个工程近似解法,轻兵器,(1), 7-12, 1991

126.周叮,失重状态下旋转液体液面形状分析,力学与实践,13(6), 19-21, 1991

127.周叮,失重环境下圆环形容器内液体的液面形状分析,强度与环境,(2), 23-26, 1991

128.周叮,部分潜入水中椭圆柱体的扭振分析,力学与实践,13(4), 32-35, 1991

129.周叮,两侧受液时悬臂梁的自由振动分析,工程力学,8(3), 107-114, 1991

130.周叮,轴盘系统扭转振动的一个新解法,力学与实践,12(1), 52-54, 1990

131.周叮,储液圆筒在水中的弯曲自由振动,应用数学和力学,11(5), 439-446, 1990

132.周叮,非均质变截面弹性直杆纵向自由振动的渐近解法,力学与实践,12(4), 16-19, 1990

133.周叮,两对边简支变厚度矩形板横向自振频率的渐近解法,强度与环境,(2),19-25, 1990

134.周叮,丁文镜,储箱内液体晃动特性及其力学参数的识别问题,强度与环境,(3), 14-25, 1990

135.周叮,圆柱形容器内触角90°微重液体的晃动研究,华东工学院学报,(1), 91-96, 1990

136.周叮,计及表面波作用的储液椭圆筒横向自由振动的解析解,振动与冲击,(3), 60-65, 1990

137.周叮,变截面弹性直杆纵振及扭振固有频率的一个工程近似算法,轻兵器,(5), 19-22, 1990

138.周叮,丁文镜,微重力状态下旋转对称刚性容器中液体的晃动响应,上海力学,10(1), 34-42, 1989

139.丁文镜,周叮,液体晃动力学参数的辩识,清华大学学报,29(5), 96-102, 1989

140.周叮,边缘有弹性点支矩形板的横向振动,应用数学和力学,10(10), 929-938, 1989

141.周叮,非均匀温度场中弹性直杆横向,纵向及扭转振动固有频率的渐近解法,工程力学,6(3), 55-62, 1989

142.周叮,非均质变截面弹性直杆横向振动自主频率的渐近解法,强度与环境,(1), 16-19, 1989

143.周叮,附着了任意个弹性质量的任意形状的膜的振动,上海力学,10(4), 10-17, 1989

144.周叮,储液椭圆筒在水中的横向自由振动,应用力学学报,6(4), 83-90, 1989

145.周叮,受弹性点支的任意形状的膜的振动,应用数学和力学,10(12), 1107-1113, 1989

146.周叮,两对边简支变厚度矩形板横向振动的动刚度有限元解,强度与环境,(4), 33-40, 1989

147.周叮,考虑表面波的储液圆筒的弯曲自由振动,振动与冲击,(3), 32-36, 1989

148.周叮,楔形弹性直杆纵振与扭振的一个渐近解法,强度与环境,(3), 39-44, 1988

149.周叮,一类二阶系统的时间最优控制问题,华东工学院学报,(4), 99-109, 1988

150.周叮,微重力状态下旋转对称刚性容器中液体晃动阻尼的计算,强度与环境,(5), 43-47, 1988

151.周叮,两对边简支厚度按指数规变化矩形板横向自振频率的渐近解法,上海力学,9(3), 19-27, 1988

152.周叮,环形板元素的动刚度矩阵,华东工学院学报,(4), 33-37, 1987

153.周叮,二阶阻尼系统的时间最优控制问题,华东工学院学报,(2), 34-43, 1987

154.周叮,丁文镜,微重力状态下旋转对称刚性容器中液体晃动研究,上海力学,8(1), 31-41, 1987









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