
王建浦,南京工业大学先进材料研究院教授,博士生导师,2009年在剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室获博士学位。先后在工业界与学术界顶尖的有机光电实验室针对有机电子器件中的若干重要问题进行了研究。在理解器件寿命与光强关系的基础上通过像素设计,解决了有机发光二极管(OLED)显示面板的寿命问题;通过磁场效应与器件物理研究,发现有机半导体中激子自旋统计的控制方法以及揭示光伏器件效率损耗通道;通过器件结构和制备工艺创新,实现了低成本低功耗的有机存储器件。近年来在该领域发表包括Nature、 Applied Physics Letters 等在内的SCI 论文20 余篇,其中第一(或通讯)作者10 篇包括Nature Communications 1 篇。获授权美国专利6 项,向工业界转让专利申请权1项。发明美国专利(US7443093,第一发明人)使得OLED 显示面板寿命至少提高一倍,解决了其走向市场的一个瓶颈问题,已经被市场上OLED 显示屏广泛采用。


1. 有机半导体器件与物理

2. 有机自旋电子学

3. 基于无机溶胶纳米晶体的功能器件与器件物理


1. 2003-2006 三星电子韩国总部 OLED显示技术研发工程师

2. 2009-2013英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室博士后

3. 2013-现在 南京工业大学先进材料研究院教授


1) X. Dai, Z. Zhang, Y. Jin*, Y. Niu, H. Cao, X. Liang, L. Chen,J. Wang, X. Peng*, Solution-processed and high-performance light-emitting diodes based on quantum dots,Nature(Accepted).

2) C. Li, G. Beirne, G. Kamita, G. Lakhwani,J. Wang*and N. Greenham*, Probing the switching mechanism in ZnO nanoparticle memristors,Journal of Applied Physics(Accepted).

3) X. Liang, Y. Ren, S. Bai, N. Zhang, X. Dai, X. Wang, H. He, C. Jin, Z. Ye, Q. Chen, L. Chen,J. Wang, Y. Jin*, Colloidal indium doped zinc oxide nanocrystals with tunable work function: rational synthesis and optoelectronic applications,Chemistry of Materials(Accepted).

4)J. Wang*and N. Greenham*, Charge transport in colloidal ZnO nanocrystal solids: The significance of surface states,Applied PhysicsLetters104, 193111 (2014).

5) C. Li, D. Credgington, D. H. Ko, Z. Rong,J. Wang*and N. Greenham*, Built-in potential shift and Schottky-barrier narrowing in organic solar cells with UV-sensitive electron transport layers,Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics16, 12131(2014).

6) A. Chepelianskii,J. Wangand R. Friend*, Low-temperature transport properties of photogenerated charges in organic materials,Physical Review Letters112, 126802 (2014).

7) F. Gao, Z. Li,J. Wang, A. Rao, I. Howard, A. Abrusci, S. Massip, C. McNeill and N. Greenham*, Trap-induced losses in hybrid photovoltaics,ACS Nano8, 3213 (2014).

8) D. Ji, L. Jiang*, Y. Guo, H. Dong*,J. Wang, H. Chen, Q. Meng, X. Fu, G. Tian, D. Wu, G. Yu*, Y. Liu and W. Hu*, "Regioselective deposition" method to pattern silver electrodes facilely and efficiently with high resolution: Towards all-solution-processed, high-performanced, bottom-contacted, flexible, polymer-based electronics,Advanced Functional Materials24, 3783 (2014).

9) M.Ertherington,J. Wang*, P. Chow and N. Greenham*, Recombination pathways in polymer:fullerene photovoltaics observed through spin polarization measurements,Applied PhysicsLetters104, 063304 (2014).

10) F.Gao*, S. Ren* andJ. Wang*,The renaissance of hybrid organic solar cells: Progresses, challenges, and perspectives,Energy & Environmental Science6, 2020 (2013).

11)J. Wang*, A. Chepelianskii, F. Gao and N. Greenham*, Control of exciton spin statistics through spin polarization in organic optoelectronic devices,Nature Communications3, 1191 (2012).

12) F. Gao,J. Wang, N. J. Blakesley, Z. Li, I. Hwang and N. Greenham*, Quantifying Loss Mechanisms in Polymer:Fullerene Blends,Advanced Energy Materials2, 956 (2012).

13) X. Cheng, M. Carironi*, Y. Noh, C. Newman,J. Wang, M. Lee, K. Banger, R. Pietro, A. Facchetti, H. Sirringhaus, Downscaling ofn-channel organic field-effect transistors with inkjet-printed electrodes,Organic Electronics13, 320 (2012).

14)J. Wang*, F. Gao, X. Cheng, M. Caironi, X. Yang, and N. Greenham, Entirely Solution-Processed Low-Power Write-Once-Read-Many-Times Memory Devices and Their Operation Mechanism,Organic Electronics, 12, 1271 (2011).

15) S. Dalgleish, J. Labram, Z. Li,J. Wang, C. McNeill, T. Anthopoulos, N. Greenham and N. Robertson, Indole-substituted nickel dithiolene complexes in electronic and optoelectronic devices,Organic Electronics21, 15422 (2011).

16)J. Wang*, F. Gao, T. Hallam and N. Greenham, Surface-State-induced Stark Effect in ZnO Nanocrystals,Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter22, 395009 (2010).

17)J. Wang*, F. Gao and N. Greenham, Low Power Write-Once-Read-Many-Times Memory Devices,Applied Physics Letters97, 053301 (2010).

18) X. Cheng, M. Caironi, Y. Noh,J. Wang, C. Newman, H. Yan, A. Facchetti and H. Sirringhaus*, Air Stable Cross-Linked Cytop Ultrathin Gate Dielectric for High Yield Low-Voltage Top-Gate Organic Field-Effect Transistions,Chemistry of Materials22, 1599 (2010).

19)J. Wang, B. Sun, F. Gao and N. C. Greenham*, Memristive Device Based on Solution-processed ZnO Nanocrystals,Physica Status Solidi A207, 484 (2010).

20) X. Cheng, Y. Noh,J. Wang, M. Tello, J. Frisch, R. Blum, N. Koch and H. Sirringhaus*, Controlling Electron and Hole Charge Injection in Ambipolar Organic Field-Effect Transistors by Self Assembled Monolayers,Advanced Functional Materials19, 2407 (2009).

21) Y. Jin,J. Wang, B. Sun, J. C. Blakesley and N. C. Greenham*, Solution-Processed Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Colloidal ZnO Nanoparticles,Nano Letters8, 1649 (2008).


1) D. Lee,J. Wang, J. Rhee, J. Chung, S. Hong, B. Choi, 2010, Display Device and Fabricating Method Thereof,US patentNo. 7642712 (Assigned to Samsung Electronics)

2)J. Wangand N. Greenham, Device and Method of Forming a Device,British Patent ApplicationNo. 0907659.7 (2009)

3)J. Wang, J. Goh, D. Lee, J. Rhee, S. Hong, Display Device and Method of Making Display Device,US patentNo. 7528543 (2009) (Assigned to Samsung Electronics)

4) S. Hong, J. Rhee, B. Choi, J. Chung,J. Wang, D. Lee, Thin Film Transistor Substrate and Display Apparatus Having the Same,US patentNo. 7470950 (2008) (Assigned to Samsung Electronics)

5)J. Wangand J. Chung, Light-Emitting Display Device Provided with Light-Emitting Portions Having Varying Areas,US patentNo. 7443093 (2008) (Assigned to Samsung Electronics)

6) J. Rhee,J. Wang, S. Hong, D. Lee and J Chung, 2007, Organic Light Emitting Diode Display and Manufacturing Method with Partition and Emission Regions to Improve Emission Characteristics,US patentNo. 7301168 (2007) (Assigned to Samsung Electronics)
