联系方式:Email:ytan@njut.edu.cn,Tel: 025-83172267。
1. Tao Guo andYiwei Tan*"Formation of One-Dimensional Ag?Au Solid Solution Colloids with Au Nanorods as Seeds, Their Alloying Mechanisms, and Surface Plasmon Resonances".Nanoscale2012,4, accepted.
2. Li Zhang, Fei Hou, andYiwei Tan*"Shape-Tailoring of CuPd Nanocrystals for Enhancement of Electrocatalytic Activity in Oxygen Reduction Reaction". Chem. Commun.2012, 48 (No. 57), 7152–7154.
3. Yu Zhang, Fei Hou, andYiwei Tan*"CeO2Nanoplates with a Hexagonal Structure and Their Catalytic Applications in Highly Selective Hydrogenation of Substituted Nitroaromatics". Chem. Commun.2012, 48 (No. 18), 2391–2393.
4. Jing Shi, Jin Li, Xiaojian Huang, andYiwei Tan*"Synthesis and Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Regularly Shaped Cu2O Nanowire Polyhedra". Nano Res.2011,4 (No. 5), 448–459.