陈 集 双 博士、教授、博士生导师
南京工业大学生物资源工程研究所 所长
南京工业大学生物资源协同创新中心 主任
中国生物工程学会生物资源专业委员会 主任
南京工业大学大丰海洋产业研究院 常务副院长
盐城市近海生物资源工程技术研究开发中心 主任
1994.04-1997.07:University of Yaounde I,associate professor(智力援非);
2000.04-2000.07: Utsunomiya University, visiting professor (高级访问学者);
2005.01-2010.07:浙江省生物物种资源保护专家组 组长
2005.01-2010.07:浙江有害生物控制省级工程技术研究中心 主任
2010.08-至今:南京工业大学生物与制药工程学院 教授,所长;
1. 植物生物反应器开发和天然产物生物制造:开发新型生物反应器,用于植物微生物互作模型研究、植物组织培养脱病毒与品质复壮、品种培育及天然产物高效表达;项目获得国家863项目、863重点项目和多项国家基金支持。
2. 秸秆生物质工业化利用与产业示范:研究秸秆和入侵植物全价高值化应用过程中的理论与技术问题,尤其是纤维资源作为大宗工业原料的预处理、植物生物质与其他物质复合的工艺和标准控制;开发秸塑新材料。项目获得国家支撑计划重点项目和江苏省重大科技平台建设项目支持。
Journal of Green Science and Technology, 副主编
Agricultural Biotechnology , 编委
Pakistan J Plant Pathology, 编委
科技通报, 编委
民进江苏省委员会 经济与法律委员会 副主任
曾担任:浙江省政协委员常委、International Institute for Tropical Agriculture客座研究员
Bio-resources:(研究生,in English)
Gene Genetics:(国外本科生,in English)
Advanced Microbiology:(国外研究生,in English)
Mycology:(国外研究生,in English)
Introduction to Virology:(国外研究生,in English)
1. 新型植物生物反应器及其在天然产物制备种的应用,江苏省支撑计划重点项目,支持人(2015-2018)
2. 秸秆转化为大宗包装材料关键技术及产业化,国家支撑计划,子课题负责人(2012-2015)
3. 萝卜中两种双链RNA病毒侵染性克隆的构建及其共侵染关系研究,国家自然基金,主持(2010-2012)
4. 基于微流体芯片的高通量转基因快速检测技术的研究,转基因重大专项,子课题负责人(2009-2010)
5. 番茄microRNA鉴定及抗病毒转基因功能研究,国家863计划,组长(2007-2010)
6. 设施农业的微生物修复及其机制研究,国家863计划,副组长(2006-2010)
7. 植物病毒高通量检测技术的整合应用,科技部国际合作重点项目,主持(2005-2007)
8. 植物病毒变易的快速检测与新病毒基因组研究,国家基金,主持(2007)
9. 马铃薯病毒微芯片检测技术和平台建设,科技部农业科技成果转化项目,主持(2003-2005)
10. 兰花等经济作物病毒高通量检测及组培快繁技术研究与示范,国家863计划重点项目,组长(2002-2005)
11. 黄瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA人工突变体的构建和稳定性研究,国家基金,主持(2000-2003)
12. 黃瓜花叶病毒卫星RNA作为外源基因高效表达载体的研究,国家基金,主持(2003-2005)
13. 在植物中高效表达药用多肽的创新技术研究,浙江省重大项目,主持(2000-2003)
1. 江苏省劳动模范, 江苏省人民政府(2011年)
2. 浙江省农业科技先进工作者, 浙江省人民政府(2006年)
3. 外来物种环境风险评估和控制技术应用,环保部科技进步二等奖(2011, 第三完成人)
4. 新型果实生物防腐保鲜技术的研究与开发,教育部科技进步二等奖(2011, 第三完成人)
5. 抗病毒番茄种苗培育与规模化生产技术研究浙江省科技进步三等奖;(2007,第一完成人)
6. 浙江省外来有害生物控制现状与对策研究,浙江省科技进步三等奖;(2005年, 第一完成人)
1. 陈集双,贾明良,欧阳平凯(著). 半夏生物资源与细胞工程,科学出版社,2013.2,ISBN 978-7-03-036318-3.
2. 陈集双(著). Experimental Plant Virology,Springer—浙江大学出版社联合出版,2010.7, ISBN 978-3-642-14118-8.
3. 陈集双, 姜永厚. 外来入侵生物控制(主编). 浙江大学出版社, 2006.1, ISBN 7-308-04611-7/Q. 054.
1. Junli Feng, Ruohong Lin, Jishuang Chen*. Alteration of tomato microRNAs expression during fruit development upon Cucumber mosaic virus and Tomato aspermy virus infection.Molecular Biology Reports, 2013, 40(5):3713-22.
2. Junli Feng, Yuwei Wang, Ruohong Lin, Jishuang Chen*. Altered expression of microRNAs and target mRNAs in tomato root and stem tissues upon different viral infection. Journal of Phytopathology, 2013, 161(2):107-119.
3. Junli Feng, Jishuang Chen*. In silico analysis the complementarity of tomato microRNAs/microRNAs* sequences with cucumber mosaic virus Genomic RNAs.Journal of NanoScience and Nanotechnology, 2013, 12:1-6.
4. Feng, Junli, Liang, Yanjun, Wang, Fengjun, Chen, Jishuang. Detection of Genetically Modified Tomato Using PCR Coupled with μParaflo? Microfluidics Microarrays. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2013, 13(12):8266-8274(9).
5. Liqiang Li, Jianning Liu, Aixia Xu, Ting Wang, Jishuang Chen, Xiwu Zhu. Molecular characterization of a trisegmented chrysovirus isolatedfrom the radish Raphanus sativus. Virus Research, 2013,176:169– 178.
6. 贾明良,郭巧萍,高伟平,张本厚,陈集双,欧阳平凯. 十六倍体三叶半夏品种特性分析[J]. 生物加工过程 2013,11(4):59-63.
7. Mingliang JIA, Benhou ZHANG, Weiping GAO,Jishuang CHEN, Pingkai OUYANG. Rapid propagation of three herbal species in a newly developed temporary immersion system. Agriculture Biotechnology[J]. 2013, 2(4):16-18, 22.
8. 王菁菁,贾明良,张本厚,陈集双. 大蒜的间歇浸没反应器培养[J]. 科技通报. 2013,29(3):65-69.
9. 张本厚, 汪建军, 贾明良, 陈集双. 四种石斛在温州地区栽培特性分析[J]. 江苏农业科学. 2013,41(3):206-207.
10. 丁爱军,梁颖,贾明良,覃佐东,张本厚,陈集双. 牛粪浸出液培养微藻系统优化及含油率分析[J]. 江西农业大学学报. 2013,35(1):216-220.
11. 梁颖,冯俊丽,徐方娇,陈集双.一株产油微藻—小球藻的纯化鉴定与培养基的筛选[J].科技通报.2013, 29(3):40-46.
12. 徐方娇, 冯俊丽,梁颖,陈集双. 转基因棉花中棉41多重PCR体系的建立[J].科技通报.2013, 29(3):51-57.
13. 王春兰,朱品,黄睿,竺锡武,陈集双.杭州地区一株侵染水稻的嗜水小核菌菌株的鉴定. 2013, 29(9):55-60.
1. Jishuang Chen*,Junlifeng,Qiangsheng Liao,Shaoning Chen,Jiangguang Zhang,Qiulei Lang,Zhiyou Du,Xiaodong Zheng,and PingkaiOuyang. Analysis of Tomato MicroRNAs Expression Profile Induce by Cucumovirus and Tobamovirus Infections.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012, 12:143–150.
2. Jishuang Chen*, Zuodong Qin, Zhijie Xu, Lanfang Wu, Yongqiang Wei, Xuelian Wang, and G.J.Duns.Utilization of an invasive species (Spartina alternifolia) in the molded pulp industustry Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res., 2012, 18: 137-146, Special Issue.
3. Junli Feng,Leiyu Lai,Ruohong Lin,Chunzhi Jin,Jishuang Chen*.Differential effects ofCucumber mosaic virus satellite RNAs in the perturbation of microRNA-regulated gene expression in tomato. Mol Biol Rep, 2012, 39:775–784. SCI.
14. Yongsheng Gao*, Weifeng HUANG, Liyun ZHU, Jishuang CHEN. Effects of LaCl3 on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Fny-infected tobacco seedlings.Journal of Rare Earths, 2012, 30(7):725–730.
15. Tao Xu Wang B, Liu X, Feng RX, Dong M, Jishuang Chen*, Microarray-based identification of conserved microRNAs from Pinellia ternata. Gene, 2012, 493(2):267-272.
16. Zuodong Qin, G.J. Duns, Zhang Lin, Ji Shuang Chen*.Flame retardant properties of fiber-based decorative wallboard. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 487:739-747.
17. Zuodong Qin, Leilei Jin, Fangjiao Xu, Jingwei Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang, Jishuang Chen* .RNA3 of a Cucumber mosaic virus strain infecting Musa basjoo based on the molecular characterization of its 5’ UTR. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, 134: 919-924.
18. 许志杰*,覃佐东,吴兰芳,陈集双.多种植物纤维复合制备纸质蛋盒及静力学特性.包装工程, 2012, 33(5):47-50.
19. 彭文君*,田丹青,陈集双.60Coy射线对红掌组培材料的辐射效应研究.科技通报,28(1):95-100.
20. 贾明良, 张本厚, 高伟平, 陈集双, 欧阳平凯. 三叶半夏( Pinellia ternata (Thumb. ) Breit ) 的间歇浸没培养[J]. 中国生物工程杂志,2012,32(11): 49-54.
1. Lang Qiulei, Jin Cchunzhi, Gao Xxiaolian, Feng Junli, Chen Shaoning, Lai Leiyu, Jishuang Chen*,Profiling of cucumber mosaic virus responsive mRNAs in tomato using micro paraflo microfluidics microarrays.. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2011,11(4): 3115-3125.
2. Chen Shaoning, Gu Hao, Wang Xiaoming, Jishuang Chen*, Zhu WM, Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups and Tobamoviruses infecting Tomato using 18S rRNA as an internal control. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai). 2011, 43(6):465-471.
3. Yan Xu, Sheng TJ, ML Zhao, W Shi, QS Liao, Jishuang Chen*, Investigation on the Precocity of Regenerated Seedlings from Micro Tom. Advanced Materials Research 2011, 365:4.
4. Feng JL, Liu X, Lai LY, Jishuang Chen*, Spatio-temporal expression of miRNAs in tomato tissues upon Cucumber mosaic virus and Tomato aspermy virus infections. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai) 2011, 43(4):258-266.
5. Lang QL, XC Zhou, XL Zhang, R Drabek, ZX Zzou, YL Rren, TB LI, Jishuang Chen*, XL Gao, Microarray-based identification of tomato microRNAs and time course analysis of their response to Cucumber mosaic virus infection. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol) 2011 12(2):116-125.
6. Lanfang Wu, ZhiJie Xu,ZuoDong Qin,Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen*,Utilization of an Invasive Species – Pulping Applications of Spartina alterniflora (Common Cordgrass) based on fiber characteristics.Applied Mechanics and Materials, 130-134, 2011:833-837.
7.Lang QL,Jin CZ,Lai LY,Feng JL,Chen SN, Jishuang Chen*,Tobacco microRNAs prediction and their expression infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus X.Mol Biol Rep.2011 38(3):1523-1531.
1. Yan Shijie, Qin Zuodong, Jin Leilei, Jishuang Chen*. A new isolate of Iris severe mosaic virus causing yellow mosaic in Iris ensata Thunb. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2010 10(2):726-730.
2.Yang WZ,Liu X,Zhang JG,Feng JL,Li C, Jishuang Chen*, Prediction and validation of conservative microRNAs of Solanum tuberosum L.Mol Biol Rep.2010, 37 (7): 3081-3087.
3.Lang QL,Jin CZ,Lai LY,Feng JL,Chen SN, Jishuang Chen*,Tobacco microRNAs prediction and their expression infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus X.Mol Biol Rep.2011 38(3):1523-1531.
4.Feng JL,Liu Xin,Lai Leiyu, Jishuang Chen*, Spatio-temporal expression of miRNAs in tomato tissues upon Cucumber mosaic virus and Tomato aspermy virus infections.Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).2011 43(4):258-266.
5.Chen Shaoning,Gu Hao,Wang Xin, Jishuang Chen*,Zhu WM, Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups and tobamoviruses infecting Tomato using 18S rRNA as an internal control.Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).2011 Apr 28. [Epub ahead of print]
6. 梁颖、张静微、覃佐东、李环、陈集双*. 培养条件下小球藻共生微生物的初步研究. 中国可再生能源科技发展大会,Volume IV, P2439-P2443.(ISTP index)
7. Qin Zuodong, Leilei Jin, Fangjiao Xu, Jingwei Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang and Jishuang Chen*, RNA3 of a Cucumber mosaic virus strain infecting Musa basjoo based on the molecular characterization of its 5' UTR. (Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular,Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering(Volume 3), EI index.
8. Jia Mingliang, Jie Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang and Jishuang Chen*, Genetic structure of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit. revealed by AFLP analysis, (Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular,Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering(Volume 3), EI index.
9. 徐朋, 竺锡武, 陈集双*. 长裂苦苣菜挥发油成分的GC_MS分析. 科技通报, 2010, 26(3): 374-379
10. 贾明良, 廖乾生, 陈集双*, 欧阳平凯. 路易斯安娜鸢尾快繁体系的建立. 科技通报, 2010, 26(4): 519-522
1. Xiwu Zhu, Xiaohan Zhang, Jishuang Chen*, Haixiang Chen, Fanghao Wan. Chemical Composition of Leaf Essen tial Oil From Solidago decurrens Lour. J. Essent. Oil Res. 21:
2. Cai Cheng-gang, Ji-shuang Chen Qi Jiong-Jiong, Yu Ting, Yin Yun and Zheng Xiaodong. Purification characterization of keratinase from a new Bacillus subtilis strain. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 9(9):713-20.
3. Junli Feng, Kai Wang, Xin Liu, Chen Shaoning, Jishuang Chen*. The response of tomato microRNAs to virus infection quantified by stem-loop real-time RT-PCR. Gene. 2009 437(1-2):14-21.
4. Xiufang Hu, Qionglou Fang, Shixiao Li, Jinguang Wu, Jishuang Chen*, Isolation and characterization of endophytic and rhizosphere bacterial antagonists of soft rot pathogen from Pinellia ternata. FEMS Microbiol Lett 295 (2009) 10–16.
5. Ting Yu, Jishuang Chen, Huangping Lu, and Xiaodong Zheng .2009. Indole-3-Acetic Acid Improves Postharvest Biological Control of Blue Mold Rot of Apple by Cryptococcus laurentii. Phytopathology 99 (3): 258-264.
6. Xiufang Hu, Shixiao Li, Qionglou Fang, Jinguang Wu and Jishuang Chen*. Transfer of Bacillus mucilaginosus and B. edaphicus to the genus Paenibacillus with emended descriptions of P. mucilaginosus comb. nov. and P. edaphicus comb. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60 (2010), 8-14.
7. Jiang Feng, Chen Jishuang, MiaoYin, Krupinska, K., Zheng Xiaodong, 2009. Identification of differentially expressed genes from cherry tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum) after application of the biological control yeast Cryptococcus laurentii. Postharvest Biology and Technology 53(3):131-137.
8. Liqiang Li, Tian Qinghua, Jishuang Chen*, 2009. A novel double-stranded RNA virus detected from Primula malacoides is a plant-isolated partitivirus closely related to partitivirus infecting fungal species. Arch Virology, 154(4):565-72.
9. Weixia Liu, Jishuang Chen*, 2009. A double-stranded RNA as the genome of a potential virus infecting Vicia faba. Virus Gene, 39(1):126-131.
1. Junli, Feng Jishuang Chen* Determination suppressive effect of satellite 369 on accumulation of Cucumber mosaic virus by real-time reverse transcript-polymerase chain reaction.proceedings 2nd international Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008.pp 402-406.
2. Zhiyou Du, Feifei Chen, Zhijing Zhao, Qiansheng Liao, Peter Palukaitis, Jishuang Chen*.The 2b protein and the C-terminus of the 2a protein of cucumber mosaic virus subgroup I strains both play a role in viral RNA accumulation and induction of symptoms. Virology, 2008,380(2):363-370.
3. Zhang Jianguang , Rong Zeng1, Jishuang Chen*. Identification of conserved microRNAs and their targets from Solanum lycopersicum Mill. Gene, 2008,423(1):1-7.
4. Jiang Feng, Xiaodong Zheng*, Jishuang Chen*. Microarray analysis of gene expression profile induced by the biocontrol yeast Cryptococcus laurentii in cherry tomato fruit. Gene, 2008,423(2):71-77.
5. Junli Feng, Rong Zeng, Jishuang Chen*. Accurate and efficient data processing of quantitative Real-time PCR using a tripartite plant virus as Model. Biotechniques. 2008, 44(7):901-912.
6. Weixia Liu, Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen*. Genomic characterization of a novel partitivirus infecting Aspergillus ochraceus. Virus Genes, 2008, 37(3):322-327.
7. Haohua Sun, Susu ShenTu, Feng Xue, Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen*. Molecular characterization and evolutionary analysis of soybean mosaic virus infecting Pinellia ternata in China. Virus Genes (2008) 36:177–190.
8. Xiufang Hu, Ying Feixiang, He Yubo, Yuanyuan Gao, Chen Haimin, Chen Jishuang*, 2008 Characterization of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum causing soft-rot disease on Pinellia ternata in China. Eur J Plant Pathol. 120(3): 305-310.
9. 廖乾生 杜志游 张华荣 吴鹏 朱丽萍, 陈集双*. 黄瓜花叶病毒辣椒分离物侵染性克隆构建. 中国农业科学 2008, 41(7):1975-1982.
10. 胡秀芳, 高圆圆, 方琼楼, 吴金光, 陈集双*.离子束注入技术选育胶质芽孢杆菌KNP414的解磷突变株.核农学报, 22(4):420-425.
11. 李露露, 李立强, 乔爱民, 陈亮, 陈集双*. 萝卜中一种新dsRNA的全长cdNA克隆及序列分析. 园艺学报, 2008, 35(8):1209-1214.
12. 金银宾, 杨宗其, 陈集双*. 三叶半夏组培扩繁与优良单株的选育. 中国生物工程杂志 (2008)28(6):48-54.
13. 张杰,徐涛,张建光,陈集双*. 半夏栽培品遗传差异的AFLP分析. 中药材 38(429):1884-1888.
1. 陈集双;覃佐东:利用禾本科秸秆制备纸浆的方法及所得纸浆的用途,发明专利ZL 201110168284.
2. 陈集双;覃佐东;章琳:利用湿法工艺制备纤维墙板的方法,发明专利ZL 200910168626.2.
3. 陈集双;贾明良;张本厚: 半夏属植物的组织快繁技术, 发明专利ZL 201110111047.1.
4. 陈集双; 张立红; 丁伟; 田庆常 :一种水半夏的组培快繁法, 发明专利ZL201010136812.0.
6. 陈集双 ; 郭巧萍 : 半夏多倍体植株的制备方法, 发明专利ZL200910097917.7.
7. 殷星 ;贾明良 ;张本厚 ;陈集双:一种带盖子的无土草坪板,实用新型专利ZL 201220206288.4.
8. 陈集双;覃佐东;张本厚:一种环保型轻质物流托架,实用新型专利 ZL201120507412.6.
9. 陈集双; 张本厚; 贾明良; 丁伟; 覃佐东; 郑道光; 杨晶 :间歇浸没的开合式植物生物反应器,实用新型专利 ZL201020288879.1.
10. 贾明良;陈集双;覃佐东:间歇浸没植物组织器官的培养反应器,实用新型专利ZL 200920116327.X.
11. 竺锡武;陈集双; 陈海敏: 用于分离植物内生菌的消毒方法,发明专利ZL200610049933.5.
12. 竺锡武; 陈集双: 获得榄香烯的方法,发明专利ZL200610052574.9.
13. 竺锡武;陈集双;金银兵:一种植物源杀虫组合物:发明专利ZL200610049932.0.
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