1987.10-1995.3日本筑波大学(University of Tsukuba, Japan)化学系,医学系外国人研究员。
1997.11-2001.3日本筑波大学(University of Tsukuba)应用生化系微生物(博士)。
研究方向为微生物学与生化制药、分子生物学、酶工程。主要从事生化制药,包括微生物菌种筛选, 非水相生物催化, 酶催化机理与调控, 生物制药高效酶类的设计与制备,高效生化药物合成等研究,;特别是极端微生物新功能及其新酶类的发现与开发,尤其是耐有机溶媒极端微生物及其工业用生物催化剂等发现与功能开发,并将其用于医药中间体的拆分与制备,活性小肽的制备,中草药有效成分改造。已发表论文100余篇, SCI论文50余篇,申请国家发明专利30余项,已获授权国家发明专利28项,国际发明专利2项。
主持完成863计划(新型耐有机溶剂蛋白酶的高通量筛选与改造技术),国家自然科学基金(基于大肠杆菌胞外分泌表达能力的调控元件研究),国家博士点专项基金一项(生物偶联制氢技术的研究),江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目(黄酮类化合物非水相高效糖基化生物改性体系的研究),江苏省自然科学基金2项(新型手性羟基酸合成酶的性质研究,耐有机溶剂甾体羟化工程菌的构建与其双相甾体催化),江苏高校高新技术项目 (一菌双酶偶联法生产 L-苯丙氨酸),并参与完成973项目及863重点项目各2项。
1. He B.F., Nakajima-Kambe,T., Ozawa,T., Nakahara,T.: Production of D-malate and D-citramalate by Arthrobacter pascens DMDC12 having stable citraconase. Process Biochemistry 2000, 36: 407-414 ( SCI 1.07)
2. He B.F., Ozawa,T., Nakajima-Kambe,T., Nakahara,T.: Efficient conversion of itaconic acid to (S)-(+)-citramalic acid by Alcaligenes xylosoxydans IL142. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 2000, 89: 388- 391 ( SCI 1.136)
3. Shoda,J., He B.F., Tanaka,N., Matsuzaki,Y., Shyunji,Y., Osuga,T.: Primary dual defect of cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in liver of patients with intrahepatic calculi. Gastroenterology 1995, 108: 1534-1546, ( SCI 12.457)
4. Shoda,J., He B.F., Tanaka, N., Matsuzaki,Y., Osuga,T., Yamamori,S., Miyazaki,H., Sjovall,J.: Increase of deoxycholate in supersaturated bile of patients with cholesterol gallstone disease, and its correlation with de novo synthese of cholesterol and bile acid in liver, gallbladder emptying, and small intestinal transit. Hepatology 1995, 21: 1291-1302 ( SCI 10.446)
5. X.Y. Tang, Y. Pan, S. Li, B.F. He* Screening and isolation of an organic solvent-tolerant bacterium high-yield producing a novel organic solvent-stable protease. Bioresource technology 2008, 99: 7388-7392 (IF 4.452)
6. Yanzhen Mei, Bingfang He*, Pingkai Ouyang. Enzymatic Production of L-Amino Acids from the Corresponding DL-5-Substituted Hydantoins by Bacillus fordii MH602. World J. of Microbiol. & Biotechnol. 2008 24:375-381. (IF 0.945)
7. Shuang. Li, Bingfang He*, Zhongzhong Bai, Pingkai Ouyang; A novel organic-solvent-stable alkaline protease from organic-solvent-tolerant Bacillus licheniformis YP1A. Journal of molecular catalysis b-enzymatic 2009, 56: 85-88. (IF 2.015)
8. Yan Li , Xian Xu, Matthias Dietrich, Vlada B. Urlacher, Rolf D. Schmid, Pingkai Ouyang, Bingfang He*,Identification and functional expression of △9 fatty acid desaturase from the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. MLY15. Journal of molecular catalysis b-enzymatic 2009, 56:96-101. (IF 2.015)
9. Yanzhen Mei, Bingfang He*, Nina Liu, Pingkai Ouyang. Screening and Distributing Features of Bacteria with Hydantoinase and Carbamoylase. Microbiological Research 2009, 164: 322-329 (IF 2.054)
10. Yanzhen Mei, Yongmin Wan,Bingfang He *;Hanjie Ying,Pingkai Ouyang; New gene cluster from thermophile Bacillus fordii MH602 for conversion of DL-5-substituted hydantoins to L-amino acids. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2009, 19(12), 1497-1505 (IF 2.062)
11. TingTing Xu, ZhongZhong Bai, LiJuan Wang, BingFang He*; Breeding of D(-)-lactic Acid High Producing Strain by Low-energy Ion Implantation and Preliminary Analysis of Related Metabolism. Appl. biochem. and biotechnol. 2010, 160: 314-321, (IF 1.04)
12. XiaoYu Tang . Bin Wu . HanJie Ying . BingFang He*; Biochemical properties and potential applications of a solvent-stable protease from the high-yield protease producer Pseudomonas aeruginosa PT121. Appl. biochem. and biotechnol. 2010, 160: 1017-1031, (IF 1.04)
13. MaoHua Wan, Bin Wu, Wei Ren, BingFang He*;Screening, characterization, and cloning of a solvent-tolerant protease from Serratia marcescens MH6. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2010, 20(5), 881-888 (IF 2.062)
14. Jiaxing Xu, Min Jiang, Honglin Sun, Bingfang He*; An Organic Solvent-Stable Protease from Organic Solvent-Tolerant Bacillus cereus WQ9-2: Purification, Biochemical Properties, and Potential Application in Peptide Synthesis. Bioresource technology 2010, 901: 7991-7994 (IF 4.253)
15. Qingchun Ji, Sujing Xiao, Bingfang He*, Xiaoning Liu; Purification and characterization of an organic solvent-tolerant lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa LX1 and its application for biodiesel production. J. Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2010 66: 264-269 (IF 2.400)
16. Bin Wu, Zhongzhong Bai, Xiao Meng, Bingfang He*; Efficient Production of D-glucosaminate from Dglucosamine by Pseudomonas putida GNA5. Biotechnology Progress 2011, 27 (1): 32-37 (IF 2.398)
17. Honglin Sun, Bingfang He*, Jiaxing Xu, Bin Wu, Pingkai Ouyang; Efficient chemo-enzymatic synthesis of endomorphin-1 using organic solvent stable proteases. Green Chemistry 2011,13,1680-1685 (IF 5.836)
18. Yan Cao, Yu Zhuang, Changjin Yao, Bin Wu, Bingfang He*; Purification and characterization of an organic solvent-stable lipase from Pseudomonas stutzeri LC2-8 and its application for efficient resolution of (R, S)-1-phenylethanol. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2012, 64(15), 55–60 (IF 2.645)
19. Lu Zheng, Zhong-zhong Bai, Ting-ting Xu, Bing-fang He*; Glucokinase contributes to glucose phosphorylation in D-lactic acid production by Sporolactobacillus inulinus Y2-8 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 2012, 39:1685–1692 (IF 2.735)
20. Chenghua Wang, Ribo Huang, Bingfang He, Qishi Du*,Improving the thermostability of alpha-amylase by combinatorial coevolving-site saturation mutagenesis BMC Bioinformatics 2012, 13:263
21. Changjin Yao; Yan Cao; Shanshan Wu; Shuang Li; Bingfang He*, An organic solvent and thermally stable lipase from Burkholderia ambifaria YCJ01: purification, characteristics and application for chiral resolution of mandelic acid J. Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2013, 85-86, 105-110 (IF 2.735)
22. Jiaxing Xu,Yu Zhuang,Bin Wu,Long Su,Bingfang He* Calcium ion-Induced Stabilization of the Protease from Bacillus cereus WQ9-2 in Aqueous Hydrophilic Solvents: Effect of Calcium Ion Binding on the Hydration Shell and Intramolecular Interactions J. Biological Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 18:211-221 (IF 3.289)
23. Jiaxing Xu, Honglin Sun, Xuejun He, Zhongzhong Bai, Bingfang He*,Highly efficient synthesis of endomorphin-2 under thermodynamic control catalyzed by organic solvent stable proteases with in situ product removal Bioresource technology 2013 (129) 663–666 (IF 4.98)
24. Sen Zhang, Zhi Zhou, Zhong Yao, Bingfang He*; Efficient production of skimmin and 6'-succinylskimmin from umbelliferone by organic solvent-tolerant Bacillus licheniformis ZSP01 using nitrogen sources regulation strategy. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2013 (71) 105–110 (IF 2.645)
25. Xueming Wu, Jianlin Chu, Bin Wu,Sen Zhang,Bingfang He*;An Efficient Novel Glycosylation of Flavonoid by β-Fructosidase Resistant to Hydrophilic Organic Solvents. Bioresource technology 2013 (129) 659–662 (IF 4.98)
26. Xueming Wu, Jianlin Chu, Jingyu Liang and Bingfang He*;Efficient enzymatic synthesis of mangiferin glycosides in hydrophilic organic solvents. RSC Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry Advances) 2013, 3, 19027–19032 (IF 2.562)
27. Xueming Wu, Jianlin Chu, Tingting Xu, Bingfang He;Isolation, identification and pharmacokinetic analysis of fructosyl puerarins from enzymatic glycosylation. J of chromatography B, 2013; 935C:70-74. (IF2.78)
28. Lu Zheng, Tingting Xu, Zhongzhong Bai, Bingfang He*; Mn2+/Mg2+-dependent pyruvate kinase from a D-lactic acid-producing bacterium Sporolactobacillus inulinus: characterization of a novel Mn2+-mediated allosterically regulated enzyme Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2014,98(4): 1583-1593 (IF 3.811)
29. Jiaxing Xu, Zhi Zhou, Bin Wu, Long Su, Bingfang He* Enzymatic formation of a novel cell-adhesive hydrogel based on small peptides with laterally grafted L-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine group, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 1277–1280 (IF6.739)
30. Jianlin Chu, Xueming Wu,Bo Li,Bingfang He*; Ef?cient Glucosylation of Flavonoids by Organic Solvent-Tolerant Staphylococcus saprophyticus CQ16 in Aqueous Hydrophilic Media, J. Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2014, 99: 8-13 (IF 2.745)
31. Yan Cao, Shanshan Wu, Jiahuang Li, Bin Wu, Bingfang He*; Highly efficient resolution of mandelic acid using lipase from Pseudomonas stutzeri LC2-8 and a molecular modeling approach to rationalize its enantioselectivity J. Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2014, 99:108-113 (IF 2.745)
32. Jiaxing Xu, Bingfang He, Bin Wu, Bin Wang, Chenghua Wang, Lei Hu; An ionic liquid tolerant cellulase derived from chemically polluted microhabitats and its application in in situ saccharification of rice straw Bioresource Technology 2014, 157(1): 166–173. (IF: 5.039).
33. Bin Wang, Wenhao Li, Bin Wu, Bingfang He*; Ef?cient resolution of 3-phenoxy-1,2-propanediol by immobilized lipase on amphiphilic comb polymer modi?ed TiO2. J. Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 2014, 106: 105–110 (IF 2.745)
34. Jianlin Chu, Xueming Wu, Bin Wu, Rui Wang, Bingfang He*; Characteristics of an organic solvent-tolerant β-fructofuranosidase from Arthrobacter arilaitensis NJEM01 with board substrate specificity and efficiently biosynthesize prebiotic kestose. J. Agricultural & Food Chemistry 2014 62(4): 5408-5411 (IF 3.107)
35. Chenghua Wang, Qingyan Wang, Siming Liao, Bingfang He, Ribo Huang*; Thermal stability and activity improvements of a Ca-independentα-amylase fromBacillus subtilisCN7 by C-terminal truncation and hexahistidine-tag fusion。 Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 2014,2,99-100 (IF 1.322)
36. Keke Liu, Fucheng Zhu, Ling Zhu, Guoguang Chen, Bingfang He*; Highly efficient enzymatic synthesis of Z-aspartame in aqueous medium via in situ product removal. Biochemical Engineering Journal 98 (2015) 63–67
37. Sen Zhang, Guoguang Chen, Jianlin Chu, Bin Wu, Bingfang He*; High production of succinyl isoflavone glycosides by Bacillus licheniformis ZSP01 resting cells in aqueous miscible organic medium. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry DOI: 10.1002/bab.1258
38. Jiaduo Sun, Lu Zheng, Bin Wu, Bingfang He*; Enhanced production rate of D-lactic acid by Sporolactobacillus sp.Y2-8 mutant generated by atmospheric and room temperature plasma. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry DOI: 10.1002/bab.1267
注:“*”为corresponding author Email:bingfanghe@njtech.edu.cn